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Jo In-sung needs padding


Where you ask? Well, take a good look at the jeans and you shall find the answer. So what, you say? Well, a concave butt is not an appealing ass-et to have when modeling for jeans – especially from the back.

Jo In-sung may look fine from the front but the man really needs to cover his butt. No buts about it.

This is Jo In-sung’s new ad for global jean maker, Levis.

Pop in:
Jo In-sung shows his true colors
Jo In-sung looks good in his jeans
Pop Quiz: Who is getting styled?

64 Comments on “Jo In-sung needs padding”

  1. HATEJJH says:

    soju, just curious what’s the use of ass mass in the front?! as boobies?!

  2. soju says:

    haha … nooo .. not boobs. think lower.

    i know a few really tall dudes (like insung) and they were definitely not lacking in the “frontal” assets. if you catch my drift.

  3. yetaz says:

    nonetheless, he is one of Korea’s best-faced actors.

  4. nikki says:

    i think it’s due to the style/type of jeans he’s wearing. but who cares??? i don’t particularly favour a guy’s ass sticking out like a girls…it’s kind of gross. anywayyy he’s hot!

  5. Raihana says:

    you mean Kim RaeWon and So JiSub right?..some say Rain too…LOL~..they have big ‘assets’ for sure!!

  6. cibel says:

    he needs to eat a lot of food and exercise to build his body. he just to skinny for a man size.

  7. wolfblade says:

    lol, he`s a good actor though XD. but i wouldn`t care. i don`t stare at a guys ass, even if its in a jeans commercial

  8. Naqiyyah says:

    Its the jeans. Im sure… or not?? Not a big fan of him. Just assuming that he have big ass?? :p

  9. choo says:


    Jo In Sung’s butt for Levi’s or Rain’s butt for Calvin Klein?

    Hell, I’d go for the celebrity with the most beautiful butt – the guy for CK jeans – that’s according to a survey in Korea.

  10. sexychikita says:

    he’s hot & good-looking, still. whatev. if he owns a butn like rain’s, he would be a perfect man! nobody’s perfect. that’s the reason. :DD

  11. sexychikita says:

    oh yeah, if some of you are wondering why most of the bloggers slash fans(pros & antis) are talking about rain’s butt, it’s because he got the perfect or well at least, a gorgeous butt!haha. yeah, yeah. omg, i remember when i see him in FULL HOUSE, the first thing that you could notice in his back view is his butt! such a perfect one!hahaha!:DD

  12. sexychikita says:

    i do LOVE jo in sung’s nose! crap, i so much love it. sort of close to the term ‘Perfect’.<3

  13. babycakes says:

    i’d still tap that a$$ ;-).

    then again, IMO he’s absolutely perfect.
    and i’d go for his nice long legs over a huge arse anyday…*yummy*

  14. limone says:

    He looks better with the weight loss, makes his features more prominent and outstanding. Seriously…and he does have a perfect, straight nose. Those Koreans who wanted rhinoplasty should ask for nose like him…And his butt isn’t that bad after you see it naked (In Frozen Flower)

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