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Kim Tae Hee’s face is less than 12 cm


Beauty in Korea is defined by your face size – the smaller your face, the prettier you are. And that’s why Kim Tae Hee is so prized in Korea, despite her weak acting.

Kim Tae Hee showed off her miniature face during a face size competition with ex T.T.Ma member, Soy in her latest Corn Silk Tea CF, confirming her top star status with her 12 cm face.

How big or small is your face? If it’s smaller than 12cm, you can become the next CF queen in Korea.

Check out her CF here.

Pop in:
Kim Tae-hee for Hera
Who Pops it Best? Kim Min Hee or Kim Tae Hee
Stop trying to be so pretty, Kim Taehee

168 Comments on “Kim Tae Hee’s face is less than 12 cm”

  1. Sarah says:

    so I can be a CF model too?
    I can hide my face behind a CD.
    the length of my face from top of forehead to chin is around 17-18cm.

  2. JaeJoong'sCookieMonster says:

    I don’t get it… Korean women aren’t really pretty, huh? Although, that 1 girl in DBSK’s MV ‘the way u are’ was quite good-looking. But even she was just passable. I have yet to see a pretty Korean girl/woman. I wonder…why?? Korean guys are plenty hot..but their female counterparts r just so-so at best…

  3. […] in: Kim Tae-hee bares all Kim Tae-hee’s face is less than 12 cm Kim Tae-hee for Hera Kim Tae-hee is […]

  4. aibori says:

    When they say the face size/head size do they mean the ENTIRE head, or just the width of your face (from ear to ear)? What if you have a really skinny face but its long (from forehead to chin), is that still considered attractive? Just curious.

  5. kbreh says:

    Forgive my confusion, but in Korea, the centimeters vs beauty thing… is it horizontally or vertically? Because is the CF its horizontal, but in another POPSEOUL article, its lengthwise (something about Aoh or Koh being 17). Anyways, I’m confused. And I looked at 12 cm earlier today just to check, and thats majorly tiny… I don’t understand how a person would look good with a 12 cm long face o_o’

  6. bobobo says:

    i dont see why ppl are flipping out over the fact that a small face is attractive. it doesn’t matter that much to me, personally, but i’m sure there are things that we americans consider beautiful that a korean would say “why does that matter?” it’s not that koreans are so judgmental or so vain, they’re just different. and to them, we’re different! something a korean girl in my class told me is that the reason a lot of korean girls cover their mouths with their hands in their pictures is that the mouth isn’t considered as appealing as the rest of the face. i dont get it, but i dont think less of the whole korean society for it! now, is this commerical rude? yeah, i think so. instead of just lifting up a beauty trait, it actually mocks the lack of that trait. i hate that part of it.

  7. me says:

    people these days are obsessed about plastic surgery and it sickens me. this is not a problem of the people, but the culture that we live in, which put emphasis on being thin, tall, and beautiful. kim tae hee is beautiful, and she’s actaully one of my favorite korean actresses, but does she really need to do a commercial that emphasize her beauty on the mark of her small face. isn’t this streching it a little bit too far???! this is so ironic and actaully reminded me of the movie “200 Pound Beauty” where the lead actress undergo plastic surgery from head to toe only to discover at the end that what matters most is who you are inside. funny thing is, she’s actaully FAKE in real life. i found this to be real sad.

  8. less than 12 says:

    well… my face is less than 12 cm too but the thing is my body is really on the small side.
    im not really skinny but im only a few inches over 5 feet.
    no one ever said im not proportionate or anything so i think its mean for people to insult kim tae hee when her body is proportionate. its not really that scary or anything. gosh.

  9. E says:

    Her face is NOT 12 cm. It’s physically impossible for her pictures. Unless the Korean centimeter is bigger than the rest of the world’s, that’s not true. Also if it was, that would be an ugly feature because there is such a thing as too much (or in this case too little).

  10. kate09 says:

    who’s kim tae hee??

  11. naomi says:


  12. Kim says:

    12cm is 4.72 inches. That doesn’t make sense….am I the only one not getting it?

  13. Rin. says:

    Really it’s not just a small face. It’s a small body and head too. Not to mention actually having a pretty face.

    The smallness is just one thing to look for.

  14. pauline says:

    i have 14 cm face!!and i dun think kim tae hee has less than 12..bcoz it’s bigger than namie face is quite smaller than namie..hahah~i want to be a model in japan..

  15. Beauty Asian says:

    F,…! WHites! Yeah 12 cm face must be most beautiful ofcourse. ANy small looks good in human eyes.Dont be mean f -king racist some of you.You r just being f-king envious of us.Koreans face smaller than rest of the world .White woman has got long and thin face we have smaller face.What ever asians more beautiful than whites .There is no difference between white men and white women .They look just the same sex.haha.

    • jean says:

      yeah right? white people can have red hair, blonde hair, auburn hair, brown hair, black hair, strawberry blonde hair,etc not to mention gorgeous blue eye’s and green eyes, brown, hazel,etc. i think in general all Koreans look the same men and woman. ugly with black hair. why do so many Asians spend so much time and money trying to look like white people? bleaching their skin and even having cosmetic surgery??

      • AIMEE says:

        Oh I know because I’ve NEVER heard of a white person getting cosmetic surgery or trying to change their skin color
        You’re just as ignorant as the asian that posted.

    • Amused says:

      haha wow what a jealous asian……it’s sad really

      why does it even matter to u, huh ??

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