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Government snatches Rain’s magic stick


The government’s Family Health and Welfare Association has deemed Rain‘s fifth album title song “Rainism” as “unhealthy media material” for the youth of South Korea. According to the tenth clause of the teenager preservation law,  lyrics or images that encourages sexual behavior amongst the young is prohibited.

The Association has forced Rain to remove the “dirty” version of the song from all music sites and charts. In addition, the Association insists that Rain must only perform the “clean version of the song on all televised programs. However, for public performances, no word yet on whether or not he will be allowed to perform the original version.

In response, J Tune Entertainment has announced that, “There was no intention of encouraging sexual behavior or other obscene acts”.

The government’s response is a bit too late. The song, “Rainism”  has been downloaded by thousands of fans. Does the government really think it has the power over the youngins by simply declaring the song is too dirty? Puleeze.  Stopping Rain’s dirty version will only light the flame of his fame.

On the same train of thought – why hasn’t the Korean government not banned any songs from the U.S.A.? Aren’t most of the hip hop/rap/pop songs all about sex, drugs, and violence? Why is “Rainism” banned and Justin Timberlake‘s song “My Love” or even “Sexy back” played on all programs even as of last year?

Anyhow, the lyrics of the song will be changed from

“My magic stick is spinning in your shivering body. You can’t go beyond my body shake. Make it Rainism The Rainism. Feel my body”


“My body shake does not feel the boundaries. Our one and only Rainism.”


And just in case you didn’t hear the original version of the song check it out below.

162 Comments on “Government snatches Rain’s magic stick”

  1. nina says:

    Ive never been a Rain fan. and these lyrics are really cheesy. I mean ~ Rainism??? BODY SHAKE?? IM GONNA BE A BAD BOY?????? OMG.

  2. funkeom says:

    This song is too much for Korea.

  3. G_G says:

    the new justified lyric should go to the trash can
    the original version is better and hell sexy

    the gov has little to do so they’re bugging Rain.

    i bet they’re getting sick with their teens at home walking around the house singing magic stick…rainism.. rainism… without fully aware what the parents have on their mind.. hahaha… the song is freaking addictive though

  4. […] much for the government trying to take away Rain’s magic stick. Now the youngins want a piece of it […]

  5. […] they could be mistaken for the real Magic Stick himself. So much for the government trying to take away Rain’s magic stick. Now the youngins want a piece of it […]

  6. whooooa says:

    picture totally gives off the gay club vibe

  7. JaNicEyuN says:

    these government thingys are stupid. i dont understand why they ban rainism. the song is nice. if the government is banning that song, why dont they ban those english songs that contain foul languages such as F**K you and others? this is nonsense.

  8. anony says:

    I think they should actually listen to all western pop songs. Most of them talks about all these things.

    It’s really hilarious to know that the govt really do have a dirty mind. lol.

    I didnt get the explicit content and I wonder how they get the real point. They must be one of rain’s true fan that they played the song for thousands of time until they finally get the point.

    ANYWAY i bet they are partying every night with the real ‘rainism’ turned on non stop and ended up fvking each other. who knows ?

    no offense

  9. Sour says:

    the reason the government hasn’t banned any U.S. songs is cause they probably don’t understand a damn word due to all of them being in English. epic fail! For once, I actually appreciate our American government. If our government operated like South Korea’s government, our music industry would be out of business.

  10. […] words without duplication or overlap, but because Korea’s media would be sternly unforgiving.[3] Comments […]

  11. friv says:

    very cool. I like this games

  12. kim hyjna says:

    luv the song its awesome cool lyrics im from uk not even korean

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