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Moon Geun-young Can Dance


Moon Geun-young showed off her dance moves at her 23rd birthday party/fan-meeting event on May 2nd.

Is it just us or does it seem that someone above has not spread beauty and talent equally among all beings?! Sheesh.

The baby faced actress surprised her fans with a special “Power Dance” performance to thank them for their love and support. The 23 year old budding philanthropist is said to have practiced 2 “long” weeks with choreographer Kim Dong-jin of the dance team ‘Friends’ for the performance.

Her fans (consisting of mostly girls) were surprised that she has rhythm.

Here’s a fan-cam of Moon Geun-young’s dance performance:

43 Comments on “Moon Geun-young Can Dance”

  1. moon geun-young is the same person with moon geun-eun??
    i’m confused here..
    is she the one who acting in autumm in my heart as young song hye gyo??…

    • eggroll says:

      yea she was!!!! who the hell is moon geun eun??? theres only moon geun young!!

      ughhh my idol has grown up :(( !!!! god dam poopseoul!!,,why not try checking the vid first before posting it????,,,i command you to replace the vid ASAP!!!

    • gutchetka says:

      yes! she is d one who played young girl ” autumm in my heart” she was so young when she played that rule’…

    • 5eline says:

      yeah u right, moon geun yeung , she play autumn in my heart as young,.

    • nunumai says:

      yeh she is the one who acted in autumn in my heart as young song hye gyo. she has grown rite

  2. yang says:


  3. hyunjoong-celine>333 says:


  4. Jane. says:

    It is gross how far those bracelets go down her arm.

  5. lollipop89 says:

    i cant watch the video…private?
    she’s really cute but she’s waaay skinny rite now..
    i miss her looking healthy..

    • libatz says:

      me too…im not able to watch it…
      it’s private..suckss..
      i really wanna watch it..

      woOow someone’s realiii skinny/anorexic(spelling?)..

  6. lovelymeeh says:

    i know she knows how to dance since through her cf and anything.. she is really awesome…!! in acting and dancing

  7. gutchetka says:

    she so tin’ shes pretty good on her pose’ .. i cant watch either? 😦

  8. no one answering my’s okie then…huhu..

  9. yulerix says:

    i really like her…her movie Innocent Steps (2005) is really good….nice dance steps..!

    you have to watch it “Innocent Steps (2005)” if you haven’t watch it….she’s sooooooooo pretty

  10. Jecel says:

    She has baby face.

    She does not look like a 23-year old lady.

  11. liz says:

    yes, she is the one who acted as young song hye gyo in autumn story..

  12. koreaisluv says:

    Popseoul, you are so freaking dumb it’s not even worth logging in to post comments anymore. You post the same crap over and over (most of which you steal from other blogs) and you are not funny. Your post titles are stupid. Your writing, spelling and grammar are pathetic. And now, you sink to new lows by posting a video that nobody can even view!!!!! Who the hell wants to have to “friend” you to view a video?? You are one stupid broad.

    And to think, YOU were the dumb c*unt who had the nerve to call Americans ignorant.

  13. on says:

    there must be a lot of fat people in the world to think MGY looks unhealthy.

    or they have arms that look like jumbo mozzarella sticks

  14. meli says:

    uhh… I can’t even watch the video because you have to accept the sender’s friend request! How lame! Post something up where we all can view without befriending with anyone! Sheesh

  15. sexybabymama says:

    talent doesn’t require 2 long weeks of dance training just to do that

  16. alittlelostalien says:

    ok well.. i do agree with you that Popseoul seriously needs to improve on its delivery of news, content, grammar and writing style (Popseoul used to so hilariously funny, it used to be my read of the day, it is now in shambles).

    I think the video is probably not her fault. She probably put it up while it was still fully public but the youtube vid owner probably found too many external hits, didn’t want so many people viewing her private video and turned it into friends only. so… i guess it’s not popseoul’s fault.

  17. smilecrybaby says:

    This is so boring *yawn* Popseoul please find things that do matter.

  18. ishy says:

    too bad, i can’t watch the vid. :l

  19. ishy says:

    it’s been a long time since i last saw her. she looks different now.

  20. miso says:

    she is talented 😐

  21. nkauj says:

    Dude, I couldn’t bear to watch the video after 45 seconds in because some chick kept screaming her head off in the background. Grr.

  22. nkauj says:

    and – i watched this last night – i didn’t have to request to be friends with anybody. someone must have changed something.

  23. sads says:

    LOL @ on
    I was thinking the same thing! My arms are smaller than her’s! ..and I’m nowhere near looking anorexic or unhealthy.
    AND I liked her in Autumn Tale! MGY and Choi Woo Hyuk both grew up to be really hot. Especially CWH. :3

  24. okie..thank a lot liz…

  25. yupki says:

    the girl can dance…if you’ve seen her movie “Innocent Steps” she was great there. It’s like step up with the more classy style….love that movie

  26. rachel says:

    she is so unbelievably cute… it’s strange to think that she’s all grown up at 23 yrs old. she still has that baby-faced look, though.

    i still prefer her over a lot of the new talent out there… at least she has talent!!

  27. Katie says:

    Aw, the video is private again I guess, b/c i can’t view it. I love Moon Geun Young! She’s my favorite actress. Please let me know if there are any changes so I can view the vid. 🙂 I’ve watched all of her movies and dramas! She was amazing in Painter of the Wind. Hope to see her more often, even though she’s back in college.

  28. luvluv says:

    She’s so awesome and so much better than those overrated actresses these days!

  29. Jen says:

    She is such a cutie pie! I adore her!

  30. yipee says:

    Love her!

  31. tynice says:

    i’m not surprised at all. she starred in the movie “innocent steps” where she had to dance ballroom.

  32. KPOPXD says:

    wah she can dance..and for this i like her..of course there is the accting too

  33. ronald says:

    if shes still a virgin????

  34. maxminmin says:


    she is the angel of korea i think
    she is so pretty and so cute

  35. sufy says:

    she’s cutest…talented and poor young….love to see her mach with lee min ho…:)

  36. teizha says:

    i i i super duper like her..!!! whoaaa..!

  37. ester says:

    you can watch this in youtube which is more clear!!!!

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