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Lee Chun-hee does drugs?


So, is it no longer just a rumor?! Did this former “Family Outing” member finally admit to frying his brain with convicted druggie, Joo Ji-hoon.

For the past few weeks, there have been rumors implicating Lee Chun-hee as one of the big celebrities who used drugs with his good friend, Joo Ji-hoon. First, SBS News presented a “censored” image of a celebrity alongside a story of the celebrity’s involvement in a drug scandal. Of course, netizens did their research and easily discovered that the “censored” image was of Lee Chun-hee. Then, there was an interview broadcasted by MBC After News, in which a “Mr. A” (rumored to be Lee Chun-hee) never denied charges of taking an illegal substance. In the interview, “Mr. A” claimed, “I was intoxicated with alcohol at that time so even I can’t remember. I do remember being with those people but I’m not sure what happened because I simply can’t remember.”

Hmmm…sounds like the whole sad  too drunk to remember excuse.

Well, shocked fans and netizens have been eagerly awaiting new developments concerning Lee Chun-hee involvement in the celebrity drug scandal that has already forced Joo Ji-hoon to put his career on hold. Due to his innocent and bashful image on popular variety show, “Family Outing,” many people have refused to believe that Lee Chun-hee would be the type to take illegal drugs.

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However, netizens have been recently discussing his absence at the premiere for his new film, “A Billion”, which also stars Shin Min-ah and Lee Min-ki. For someone who supposedly left “Family Outing” to focus on his acting career, he sure hasn’t been busy supporting his work. Some believe his absence proves that he is in trouble with the law, and thus, cannot pursue any promotional activities. As a very popular rising star, he should be busting his booty to garner support and to help make the film a success. If he wanted to prove his innocence, he should have just proudly shown his face to silence the rumors.

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Don’t get me wrong. I adore Lee Chun Hee’s personality and truly hope these rumors are not true. But he has definitely dug himself a bigger hole by being silent and absent from the public. Wouldn’t an innocent person want to publicly denounce these rumors? This poor guy is looking guiltier the more I think about it. So POPSEOULers, what do you think? Is our favorite klutz just a victim of rumors and hanging out with the wrong crowd? Or has he become just another druggie who deserves the same fate as Joo Ji Hoon?

109 Comments on “Lee Chun-hee does drugs?”

  1. jose says:

    Hola excelente comunicarme con ustedes…

  2. kenjin says:

    chun hee’s just a victim of being friends w/ jjh and the other celebs convicted. there’s no way he’s stupid enough to do that. and he would be charged already if he did it

  3. jolin says:

    It’s obvious he is not innocent. He probably wasn’t some habitual user but he had to have done something wrong. Why else did he leave his show and is MIA for so long.

  4. larrick says:

    never liked the guy. i can’t believe sweet girls like yoona and dambi had to pretend to like him on family.

    • amyyyyyers says:


      Yoona didnt spend that much time with him. didnt she spend most of it with Daesung? I still dont think CHunhee would do THAT. Especially for a person who got accepted to MENSA. COME ON…..HOW MANY DRUGGIES CAN YOU BRING UP THAT GOT ACCEPTED TO MENSA? probably none. the most i think he’ll do is smoke….but not smuggling drugs to KOREA!

      • lena says:

        who cares if he has a high IQ. First those tests are very inaccurate. Second, he just doesn’t seem the brightest and strong minded person. He seems like he’d easily give into peer pressure and at least try drugs.

        • Ska8terboy says:

          Even in the Family Outing, Chun Hee is clumsy and absent minded… that does not show his actual character. He is just acting out as requested by PDs to make the show funny and interesting.

          As to whether he is involve in the drug thingie… No one is guilty until proven. So we should just support him as his fans on his entertainment career. As whom he should be friend is totally up to his judgment.

          All the best to him.

    • jREAM says:

      And how do you know this??!!
      I didn’t know you were hella close to yoona and dambi to be able to come to this conclusion.
      If you didn’t hear it from them you shouldn’t be saying empty words with no evidence.

  5. dlrkdus says:

    ^LAMEEEE. :d
    Almost the entire show is scripted, so they like to stick certain members together to make the show more interesting. (I still love it though)
    And Mensa? Doesn’t mean you don’t do drugs just because you’re smart. It wouldn’t even be that shocking because he does do a lot of modeling and hangs out with a lot in the entertainment business/performing arts people who do lots of drugs/drinking/smoking/sex. Maybe he didn’t do the drugs, but his behavior is suspicious indicating he may have been involved somehow. I know TONS of SMART people who do drugs.

    If true, it would be so disappointing. Because not only would it affect his reputation, but the show’s rep as well.

  6. VALXD says:

    I refuse to believe it :[
    Chun Hee is innocent!!!!

  7. youbun7 says:

    So what? even he took the dinky little pills before doesn’t mean he was the drug dealer, the main point is he should have the balls to admit and not to commit the wrongdoing again.

  8. pikeem says:

    Its news because we have pictures, im sure most famous people do something or another, than turn around and sing happy gay songs with big clean smiles they bought to go along with thin fake noses and shaved down chins

  9. khulan says:

    he has a yellow teeth he is probably in drugs

    • Ska8terboy says:

      Khulan… for your knowledge…
      Yellow teeth… means it could be tinted due to excessive intake of coffee or tea that have a type of chemical that cause the stains. The same thing goes for smoking, it stains the teeth and also causes the lips to be darken. Even plaque also cause the yellowish colour.

      As for intake of drugs like ecstasy pills cause the person to have slower response to his or her environment(depends on the ingredient used).

      P/S : This are taught in secondary school’s science (just to make us stay away from drugs and it works).

  10. ryulee says:

    i’m so sick of people saying chun hee could never do drugs b/c he’s so innocent. he just has that image on family outing. i’m not saying he did it. but i am saying that people need to start looking at the evidence and stop going by his image on a show.

  11. miira-chaan says:

    oh booy…

  12. jyyyin says:

    i just starting to like him in the “Chunderella” image…..drugs….OMG……….hope he will change his bad habit

  13. rnee says:

    ChunHee! wth! he better start addressing these rumors.

  14. stph says:

    i’m thinking he probably tried drugs just once and didn’t distribute like jjh and the others. they probably can’t prove he did try it though if it was awhile ago. but he’ll def have a tarnished name now. he just needs to addresss his fans soon. being quiet does make him look more guilty

  15. labada says:

    random question. but did his movie do well

    • ohno says:

      I think the above was just the press screening for the movie and promotions. My friend said that the movie is supposed to premier later this month.

  16. ohno says:

    i’m so sad for him. I’ll pray it isn’t true. And i’ll pray that he’ll get thru this ok.

  17. lent says:

    I wouldn’t put him in the same category as Joo Jihoon yet. He hasn’t been charged of anything so far. he has my support

  18. shinee1 says:

    chunhee was one of my favorites on family outing! this is really sad and crazy:( i hope he is just a witness and not charged for anything.

  19. ychunluv says:

    I love this guy! He was so hilarious on FO. He was also so funny on other variety shows. I saw him when he was promoting his film with Han Ji Hye and he was so cute. This is a suprise but I think it’s nonsense. Keep your head up chunderella!

  20. gcarl says:

    nooooooooooooooo! this has got to be a rumor!

  21. lena says:

    He’s looking guilty as time passes. he probably did something wrong making him stay away from the public light.

  22. xo2pamxo says:

    You’re so blind if you think he’s just an innocent victim. If he drinks enough to blackout, he probably wouldn’t mind a few pills for a fast high.

  23. nobu says:

    i was surprised at first. but the evidence adds up. being friends w/ joo jihoon, having credible news stations hint at him, being out of the public eye all of a sudden…
    he did some stupid stuff on tv too. like washing vegetables with soap. so he’s not the brightest guy…

  24. eek says:

    I can’t look at chunderella the same. Whether he’s innocent or not, this scandal has tainted him. This is so annoying. Why can’t he be honest with his fans. This whole waiting until people forget isn’t going to work.

  25. wtf?! says:

    where the hell have i been?! this is craziness! i would’ve never guessed he would ever be suspected in this.

  26. ctn says:

    He probably doesn’t deserve the same punishment as Joo Ji-hoon. I’m sure he’s gonna be absent from the public eye b/c he’d be bombarded w/ so many reporters and questions. I do wish some more concrete answers will come out.

  27. yenni says:

    i don’t really know him. but he should admit what he did or at least clear up the situation. it would look better if he came out and apologized to his fans too.

  28. heeto says:

    i was wondering who some of the other celebs would be in the scandal. i wouldn’t have guessed him!

  29. hyejini says:

    I was so shocked when I learned he might be involved. I’ve only seen Family Outing a few times but he was so clumsy and adorable. Hmmm…I’m thinking his being out of the public eye is indication he’s guilty of something

  30. yumjung says:

    what a dumba**

  31. Liz says:

    What?! No way! Please don’t let this be true!

  32. alex121 says:

    oh man! who would’ve thought this

  33. =] says:

    i thought chunhee left family outing due to his 2 year militay service thats what he said in the last ep of Family outing

  34. jh155 says:


  35. seung says:

    It’s not him. I checked Yahoo Korea and there’s an article about how further investigation showed that he wasn’t involved. Due to the fact that even if you’re suspected to be involved and turns out that you were innocent, people (at least, Koreans) tend to retain that tainted image of you, he or his mother is taking legal action.

  36. paboo says:

    I really confused…
    But my feeling said that I want to trust chun hee…

    Everyone can’t trust him and always think negative about him…
    If I became chun hee, I’ll so sad cause no one trust him…
    Poor guy!!
    And poor u!!

  37. jREAM says:

    Just leave Chun Hee alone.
    If he did, then he did.
    If he didn’t, he didn’t.
    Just leave it alone.

    I still Chun Hee though.

  38. Japsumchae says:

    yooo lee chun hee is one of the coolest guys i’ve seen on korean tv. man i hope this rumor is not true

  39. lilas says:

    true or false it’s the life
    and at that time he was just having fun with his friends
    like all people do when they’re having a party!

  40. Gonk says:

    well, the reason why he is not out in the public is because of the culture. if he is in a scandal, it is better for those around him to stay away from him. i think that is why he did not appear in the premier, as he does not want to cause his scandal to affect his coworkers.

  41. AB says:

    even if this rumor ends up to be the truth, i hope that someday he’ll be able to come back and join family outing again. I just loved him in Family Outing, he was so clumsy which made him so adorable to me.

  42. DE says:


  43. CONNECTOR says:

    is he really doing drug????????????

  44. butterbee says:

    oh my… This make me shock…
    His my favorite character in family outing…

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