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KARA reveals Japanese MV for ‘Mister’

The full MV to KARA‘s Japanese version of “Mister” has been released and it’s a nice twist from the original in Korean!

Even if you’re sick of hearing Kara’s “Mister,” the Japanese version provides a new kick! Not to mention, can you ever really get sick of the butt dance?

Is the Japanese version up to par with the original?

44 Comments on “KARA reveals Japanese MV for ‘Mister’”

  1. Eric says:

    The Korean music industry is obsessed with Japan.

  2. dee luph_kibum says:

    It’s kinda a great song..

  3. soojung says:

    idk if its just me but this song seems kinda slower than original mister

  4. Blubear07 says:

    Its great!! This song is soo addictive…They all look soo pretty too!

  5. chuey says:

    I can only listen to this song if I see them doing the butt dance! Other than that can’t stand their chipmunk voices!

  6. ywidjaja says:

    Selling the power of Butt dance to Japan Market… 🙂

  7. SuperJuniorLover6666666666 says:

    this is kinda late…

  8. hello2375 says:

    i always was always curious to see how the mister mv would turn out if they ever decided to make one~ its in japanese but yay they made one~

  9. cheese says:

    couldnt stop closing my mouth lol =P

  10. theZEUSluv says:

    they had time to make a japanese mv and not a korean one? it’s slower…

  11. SILO says:


    • steph says:

      you mean ojisans? it is Japan after all. lol

      as a side note, my friend just showed me a vid of ABK48’s new mv. (I nearly barfed in my mouth) Kara have a long way to go if they want to get those ojisan’s attention. Starting with wearing revealing lingerie and fish net stockings and pretending to strip. (I’m serious, no way will kpop girl groups be able to top that. who needs skill and quality music when you can pose like you’re doing soft porn and get popular mainstream for it?)

      • Joli007 says:

        Its true that AKB is pretty much dominating the Japanese idol market, and I detest their more recent marketing strategies, but they aren’t the only group to compete with.

  12. hanne kitty says:

    very good! i love this song! ^ ^

  13. Anh says:

    @Steph: LOL i saw that AKB vid, I really wonder wtf the guy who owns(can’t think of a better verb) them is thinking. Are they selling talent or bodies?

  14. kj says:

    wow not bad! it must of been hard for them to sing it in japanese

  15. Jenny says:

    I’m not sure how well they will do when you compare them to Japan’s popular girlgroups. AKB48 new pv is horrible but guys love them pluas all the shows they have weekly in Tokyo. Perfume is more popular then ever now and C-Ute, momusu etc.
    Now it all comes to will any major shows (Music station, Utaban, Heyx3, SmapxSmap)take them as well as the language ability.

    • dana says:

      Those groups all have their loyal fan bases. Looking at that akb48 pv now My God, Morning musume seems much better in comparison (I’d rather watch a less polished pv over a dirty one). As for the major shows…maybe music station, a very slim chance, but the others, no way. Oh, and Utaban isn’t on anymore, it’s been replaced with something else.

      • Jenny says:

        Utaban isn’t anymore, no I really liked that show especially Ishibashi-san. Is the new show similar ?
        I enjoyed the show everytime Arashi was on the show and Ohno and Nakai would end up chasing each other around.
        Yeah, Momusu over AKB48 even though I don’t like them. That new PV is bordeline pornography (but the creator Yasushi Akimoto is of korean descent)
        They might have a chance to appear on the small shows like the show 4minute was on, it aired 1 in the morning though.

      • emi says:

        I don’t know about morning musume in the past, but having seen some recent Morning musume stuff, I actually like them, why? no indecent exposure aside, they actually seem like a group. the members actually seem to like each other, i mean they hang out, go shopping together stay at each others homes…but with AKB48 it feels like they’re trying to upstage each other all the time (i guess with 48 members…), those rankings against each other are also pretty turn off-ish.
        Anyway…with Kara, well the formula here is to act cute. Period.

        • Joli007 says:

          +1 for Morning Musume~!!!!
          I’m probably not recalling this correctly, but if I’m not mistaken, doesn’t Morning Musume listen to Kara?

        • saras says:

          Current MM generation FTW. The girls here are actually likable, and not fakes. It helps that they’ve been together the longest so they’re closer. AKB48 in comparison seem so manufactured and distant what with so many people dropping out all the time. That pv was just low. And yeah, ranking them 1st 2nd…40th only pits them against each other rather than working as a team.

          Oh.. and good luck to Kara 🙂

  16. muti says:

    hmmm. i like the original version…. but both of them are great.

  17. LALALA! says:


  18. loverism says:

    love KARA lalalala

  19. itchy says:

    HAHAHA … did the director just re-use the set for Hyori’s 10 minute video? Still enjoyed it.

  20. w. says:

    mv looks cheap and like a tone-down strip frm playboy mag. Korean version’s def better, they look cute there.

  21. Summer says:

    FINALLY A MV IS OUT!!!! been waiting for like forever for a MV for this song

  22. Beth says:

    I think the original sounded better because the lyrics and the rhythem is the same. But for second versions, it always sound a little off because they lyrics and rythem don’t go together. Like; Tell Me (Eng ver), So Hot (Eng ver), Mister (Jap ver) etc.

  23. Jennie says:

    i love this song! and it’s addicting..
    the japanese version is nice too…
    Hwaiting Kara in Japan! i know you’ll succeed!
    aja seungyeon!

  24. kammy(: says:

    Woah, it’s good. It’s been so long since I’ve listened to Japanese, refresher I guess since all major kpop girls are hitting Japan basically. I liked it, but for some reason Japanese makes it have this sugary sweetness that is good but you’re like wtf at the same time. I think they’re going to market Goo Hara HARD because she has the Japanese “look” (Namie Amuro resemblance) and maybe Gyuri too because she looks like a few idols (can’t recall names) and Jiyoung possibly Nicole. Keep it up Kara!

  25. cdnpoint says:

    Did budget cuts hit the wardrobe? Rolled up pant legs–nice for circulation problems. Cropped tops, the baseball caps, the suspenders, plus dancing on a wet basketball court–no, no, no!!

    The melody is ok, just not the lyrics.

  26. karafan says:

    o do love tjis girl group! i wanna be a singer like them… lol! if god permit! sus! ang drama mo day!

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