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Kang Byung-gyu sentenced to prison for gambling


TV host and personality Kang Byung-gyu has been sentenced to 1 year of jail, 2 years probation and 160 hours of volunteer work for gambling.

Yep, that’s right. Gambling is illegal in Korea. Kang Byung-gyu lost a total of 2.6 billion won (approximately 1.8 million USD) gambling on internet sites from October 2007 to May 2008. Kang previously denied knowing how to gamble. And it’s obvious that with the amount of money he lost, the poor bloke definitely doesn’t know a thing about it.

At the verdict on February 5th, Kang Byung-gyu shed tears of sadness.

16 Comments on “Kang Byung-gyu sentenced to prison for gambling”

  1. li1destiny says:

    lol that’s stupid, they might as well fly to U.S and gamble

  2. icycaster says:

    wow gambling on internet site with about 1.8 million! what the hell did he do to lost that much?

  3. sexybabymama says:

    jail-time would cure his addiction maybe

  4. joelib says:


  5. lynneunjae says:

    that’s a lot of money, could’ve donated some to me. hopefully he’ll learn from his mistakes.

  6. yougotmelold says:

    I’m Korean myself, but imprisonating someone for just gambling is ridiculously harsh regardless of the amount don’t you think?

    Korea is contradictive on so many levels..
    Surface wise, very conservative and stern, but in reality, one of the most dissipated nation on the planet.

    It shouldn’t be up to the government to decide whether people should gamble or not. It’s personal choice.

  7. kyam7 says:

    poor Kang Byung-gyu
    why did u do such that crap!
    gambling’s not good for ur country
    cmon!think of it
    u lost 2.6B and sentenced to 1 year of jail
    ah..not good for you

  8. flyingplanes says:

    its illegal? oh my..

  9. JooRinRin says:

    Gambling is illegal? WTF?
    Heck, I might as well forget about living or going to Korea now.

  10. umie11 says:

    Okay……that’s just sad……

  11. kagero26 says:

    gambling in Korea is illegal for Korean people, not for foreigners, there are casinos in Seoul, I went to one of them while I was living there, no Korean people were allowed in there! If you’re not Korean you can gamble~

    Wow feel bad for him, yeah he could have used that money doing something else, well nonetheless sucks that he has to go to jail, but it shows that no even celebrities are immune to the law~

  12. lazypeach41 says:

    KBK said he didn’t know gambling was illegal. i feel bad for him though, it’s not like he ripped money off of people to gamble. i don’t think he deserves going to jail for that long.

  13. feriel85 says:

    That’s a harsh law! Even if in other countries gambling is forbidden, they don’t really apply the law.
    But, I guess the jugdes wanted to make a very strong example to frighten koreans…
    It’s a really really harsh law! oO

  14. mizxericaz says:

    AHH! come on, gambling is a personal choice ..

    1 year is too long ..

  15. Mike says:

    Fairly insighful post.Never believed that it was simple after all.I had spent a beneficial deal of my time looking for someone to explain this subject clearly and you’re the only one that ever did that.Keep it up.

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