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Male singer gets double eye-lid surgery!


We knew that pretty boys liked to dress up and wear lip glosses, but we certainly didn’t know that they also get double eye-lid surgery to maintain their pretty boy look. Can you recognize the singer in the picture?

Lee Teuk, member of Super Junior (boy-band with 13 members) recently underwent double eye-lid surgery, a common and popular procedure among Korean women, to make his eyes look bigger. First, it was the lip gloss, then the dress and now double eye lid surgery. What’s next? A boob job for our pretty boys? When will they stop imitating their female co-workers?

73 Comments on “Male singer gets double eye-lid surgery!”

  1. iamamale says:

    I was considering an eye lid surgery, but if I look at the pictures, I will def. re-consider!

  2. Se7enFan says:

    I heard that Teddy(Taebin) of 1Tym had eyelid surgery…I wish they didn’t feel so self conscienceous…(

  3. popseoul says:

    eye surgery is only the tip of the iceberg… we’re sure that they are getting their jaws more prominent, and their nose bigger….

  4. kismetology says:

    Eye lid surgeries are not flattering at all. They look so unnatural. It’s pretty obvious to spot someone who’s done it.

  5. sara says:

    korean singers always having surgery or some kind makeover to make them look better when they become stars. there’s no surprise there.

  6. aiturnizzle says:

    Se7enFan… Was it Teddy or Danny (who is Taebin) that had the surgery?

    And ok whryyyy with the eyelid surgery? I actually think the single eyelid look is attractive.


  7. Eve says:

    wow I noticed that eeteuk had single eyelids…but I didn’t realize he got it…he looked fine before O.o

  8. nomu says:

    he looks as if he hasn’t slept for 3 days or better yet he looks as if he excreted in his pants!!

  9. Kpopangel says:

    the 2nd pic from the top.. i’m juz wondering.. was that Yunho? correct me if im wrong.. thanx =D

  10. popseoul says:

    kpopangel>> wow, good eye~

  11. fantastic_n_funky says:

    It’s okay to do eye lid surgery!! It isn’t wrong at all… Why men can’t have surgeries when women can?? Anyway… he looks a lot more attractive!! He’s hot!

  12. louise says:

    wow. i can they just be original?coz, so far i can’t see any distinct purpose of this double eyelid surgery. to make their eyes look bigger?what for?clearer vision?..does it really work and make them more handsome?aaah..if it does, maybe something’s wrong with my eyesight..someone hit me and get me the point of the make-over!oh, and isn’t single eyelid supposed to be unique, coz only east asian ppl have them?

  13. Tracy says:

    Getting double eyelid surgery is as common as getting braces in America. And as for the lip gloss, well, they also wear make up too. Does that make them more girly? They’re constantly under the spotlight and cameras so it’s not surprising that they’d want to look their best. It’s not fair to use Americanized stereotypes on a different culture where gender roles aren’t so definite.

  14. sophie says:

    I don’t see a difference.. just looks like the past pictures were blurry.. I don’t think so.

  15. qi says:

    i think he look mighty fine now!

    he looks more energetic after the surgery.

    great eyes..

  16. suju 4 L says:

    they shouldnt make a big deal with this i love eeteuk

  17. SuNsHiNeChOcObO says:

    …..most koreans do get double eyelid surgery… especially the girls when they turn sixteen…at least that’s what i heard. But who cares, its their own choice. Anyways, EeTeuk is my favorite member. I think he looks hot either way

  18. hymki says:

    Lee teuk looks better with one eye lid!! some of them already look HOT without the double eye lid.

  19. Jane says:

    y’know…i thought his eyes seemed fine the way they were before =/

  20. sexychikita says:

    he’s cute..and i don’t see anything wrong with having a double eyelid surgery since he has this chinese’s better than having a nose lift surgery or any other plastic surgeries..coz they are all very risky!OMG!..besides,you can be handsome or beautiful in your own ways..haha!!!are there all kinds of plastic surgeries offered to koreans,from head to foot?..just wondering..LOL!..

  21. Nyyna says:

    ah teuki!!
    i think his eye was better before.. anways is not bad know thought..

  22. Terass says:

    OMG…i never knew leeteuk got double eye-lid surgery…
    i always thought he just had days like i did…
    cos when i get tired…sometimes when i wake up…i get single eyelids…but because im double usually double eye-lided…but then i have those days when i have single eyelids…
    but why did he have to get double eye-lid surgery..
    he looks with and without surgery…but i still don’t get why celebrities want to have plastic surgery so much..

  23. Terass says:

    sorry typo…..its he looks fine with and without surgery..

  24. Bec says:

    sara – you make it sound like only korean stars have cosmetic surgery done…lots of stars around the world have surgery just so happens korean seems to not be as “tight lipped” about it

    Terass – i know what you mean XD when i’m really tired i end up looking like i have single eye lid..only for the firsst few minutes tho..then my double eye lids come bak out..

    i guess celebrities want surgery coz it makess them feel more confident about their image? i mean..not just celebrities lots of “common” people have surgery too~ even my friends are gonna get their eyes done coz they think it’ll make them look better. so personally i dunno why ppl give stars such a hard time about it…i find nothing wrong.i’m just against getting surgery myself..but if anyone around me gets it. it’s their choice

  25. Muna says:

    Am I the only one who likes single eyelids?
    I guess it’s because I have double eye lids, so I like it when I see something different.

  26. Anne says:

    wow i never knew Eeteuk had double eyelid surgery…i suspected he had a nose job judging from his pre-debut pix and compared to his current looks…

  27. Sarah says:

    everybody’s going to have the same face if people kept getting plastic surgery
    where did identity and individuality go?

  28. GWen says:

    dude i dont even know if i have double eyelids my eyes are weird eitherway i think he looked better before but who cares its his body

  29. bubbles says:

    Is this an official news?
    Cause i dont think he underwent surgery..but it’s the angle of the picture..
    His eyes were really big to begin with (i looked through his pre-debut pics)..
    I’ve got single eyelids with a hidden double..the double becomes prominent when my eyes are tired..and i’ve heard that people with single eyelids can grow into double as well (by sticking double eyelid tapes etc)..

  30. Kate says:

    So, does anyone know whether Bae Yong Joon has done any plastic surgery? Thank you in advance !!

  31. cindy says:

    i think he looked cuter before. =/ and i agree that people should appreciate single eyelids more because it’s unique. it’s what defines a lot of asian people.

  32. Sei says:

    Quote: Kpopangel
    Mar 8th, 2007 at 1:43 pm
    the 2nd pic from the top.. i’m juz wondering.. was that Yunho? correct me if im wrong.. thanx =D

    nope it’s still Lee Teukie ^-^ but he does kinda look like Yunho there đŸ˜› There’s not much difference with Teukie’s eyes, he still looks great đŸ˜€

  33. Nivvv_ says:

    well honestly i liked his eyes before.. but its not like he looks like a girl with bigger eyes? its probably a surgery girls do more often but its not like wearing as skirt… a guy cant wear a skirt but a guy can have big eyes… its not like he looks like a girl… anyway my opinion………………………..

  34. nicole says:

    is eeteuk the one who got a nosejob too? i’ve heard somewhere that he had his nose done.

  35. Jane says:

    nicole- I’m a fan of Super Junior and all, but I saw a few pictures of teuki without makeup and when he was younger- His nose was a freak of nature. Or am I imagining him?

  36. Jane says:

    woah what am I thinking, i meant it*

  37. monalisa says:

    I’ve always wondered how my looks will be altered if I was born with single eyelids. Sometimes, when I wake up, one of my eye will be sporting a single lid while the other is my natural double lid. I’ve heard of women using transparent ‘tapes’ to give their eyes the double lid look. I think that’s a better idea than undergoing plastic surgery for obvious reasons.

  38. keira says:

    well for me, honestly, they do look a lot better i guess, but then again, it’s not for everybody, you know what i mean?

  39. silvia says:

    dang!~ wow i think he looks better witout!~

  40. ashchronicles89 says:

    loorr~~i like single eyelids better on korean man n women..such a waste that he made that surgery~but who can stop him if he really sets his mind..

  41. Madxtnsion says:


  42. Nina says:

    hi popseoul! recently found your site and been reading your blog lately, very awesome stuff!! wow didn’t know so many people want the double eyelids lol! i’m asian, but i do have a natural double eyelid, so i don’t really understand what’s so special about it i guess. i really don’t understand why people would undergo surgery if nothing is wrong in the first place lol.

  43. lalala says:

    OMG! I KNEW IT! I remember looking at Lee Teukie’s eyes and wondering whether or not he had surgery… xD score one for me!

    As for a single eyelid, it isn’t. He has what’s called inner double eyelid (sohk ssang kkkuh peul). He just made it bigger. A lot of male celebrities seem to do that. Hye Sung did it, all these other actors did it, Hwan Hee did it.. I guess they feel too pressured to look pretty. I wish they didn’t.

  44. Eric[k]a says:

    in my opinion changing even a little part of you, whether it’s your eyes, nose or boob is just wrong…how can you not be content with what you were born with or what your parents have in there genes…i can’t believe celebrities are conforming to these things…leeteuk is just an example of people thinking that they don’t look good enough coz us azns have chinky eyes…gosh. get over it…he wasn’t even ugly…why do that??!

  45. cinderellaONflame says:

    they’re celcebrities. the pressure is quite heavier on them. it doesn’t matter if we (audience) like it or not for as long as they’re happy and comfortable with what they are doing or what they have undergone. plastic surgery is already a fad. don’t blame these people for wanting to change. probably there are lots of others out there who want more than what they have. these celebrities just happen to have money or probably the guts to go under the knife. whatever it is they have, let them be. if they regret it in the end, then there ain’t nobody else to blame bu themselves. life is harsh and not fair most times, we just have to deal with it.


  46. Super junior Love says:

    Aww Lee Teuk is soo cute. I’ve always thought he was fine. I can’t tell the difference… anyways, why can’t male celebrities get surgery when female celebrities can? makes no sense…. eeteuk is cute either way. ( I just hope he’s not planning to get more…)

  47. trizzang says:

    i have single eyelids i use to hate them
    but after i started watching the dramas and especialy seeing Junki i feel better and not so left out
    i love junki’s eyes it’s wat makes him Hott

    why do the male actors have to feel like they need to get surgery? or where make up ?? that’s all kinda weird to me…

  48. Sputnik says:

    Awww he was already gorgeous he didnt have to do this. But I do hear that females like Boa love guys with double eyelids so maybe thats why all the guys are getting them.

  49. han says:

    dont you just hate pretty boys? Boys are not supposed to be PRETTYYYYY..thats’ soooo wronggggggggg. Why am i having a feeling the Korean will soon released male’s make-up products

  50. han says:

    i wonder how hyoree will be in the next couple of years. At least Madonna is a legendary singer

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