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Two reasons to become a Harvard student

Future MBA and graduate students, stop thinking about which schools you are going to apply to because you just need to apply to one to realize ALL your dreams – Harvard! First of all, there’s no other school on this planet that can beat the prestige and stature that comes with the Harvard label. And more importantly, there’s no other school on this planet that plans frequent trips to Korea to “explore Hallyu”. In other words fly to Korea to shake hands with the creator of your idol and meet your favorite star in person. Two months ago, Kennedy School students visited Rain & JYP to learn more about JYP’s “in-house” system and next month, 50 or so Harvard MBAs are going to meet SM’s founder Lee Su Man, Kang Ta, BoA and Super Junior. I guess our parents were right. Smarts get you far in life…

Pics from last year’s MBA hallyu trip

How to meet Rain and become his lover

22 Comments on “Two reasons to become a Harvard student”

  1. hanna says:

    OMG. WTF. COLUMBIA will have it too!! (I’ll make it happen)

  2. kiwee says:

    ugh the man looks gross.

  3. wnaker says:


  4. KT says:

    OH lord. This makes me die because this is too depressing to read about. Since there’s no way in hell I can go to Harvard. Not that I would go to Harvard just to meet them because that’s silly.

    Also I hate how people assume you have to be a genius to get into Harvard? No. -_- There’s the genius part but if you have decent grades, write an amazing essay, and have a kick ass profile (clubs, community service, so on and so on…) you could get in. My friend did and I’m smarter than him! (Of course I didn’t apply there but still…)

    And also, even if you have the IQ of a dolphin you can still get in. All you have to do is be a super minority. And by that I mean like Native American or some other dying out race. Because they’ll most likely accept you because of the fact that there’s a certain quota they HAVE to fill.

  5. christianpete says:

    as with most Ivy league schools, Harvard’s tuition is sky high and getting higher each year. Even the tuition of graduate programs are off the map. Unless you get a scholarship or depending on your yearly income, you could be in debt for decades….I think I’ll pass on this opportunity and perhaps pay a celeb to meet me 😀

  6. MM says:

    Schools like the Harvard Business School are filled with psychopaths and sociopaths.

  7. nita says:

    how to get that chance?

  8. amabelle says:

    they are right.
    its not as easy to get into that school.
    soo i got rejected for undergrad study.
    but watch out.
    i intend to apply again for med school
    and blow their minds away..

    harvard med students dont get to go to korea huh?
    darn it. =(

  9. parkerlewis says:

    my sis goes to harvard, nice school.

  10. versatileee says:

    I hope this isn’t stupid but, does anyone know why Harvard is so interested in the Hallyu? >.>

  11. ed says:

    yep, it’ll be cheaper to hire a visit from a hallyu celeb.

  12. Eve says:

    Wow maybe I’ll just go to Harvard for Graduate school…providing that i have a 4.0 GPA now so that they’ll accept me…that’ll never happen -__-;;

  13. manderley says:

    but look how all those white folks looking so clueless XD

    they have that “who are they, again?” look. hahah.

  14. christianpete says:

    lol :p

  15. suju 4 Life says:

    im going to be a sudent at hardvard…im dieing to meet super junior^^lol

  16. TV says:

    It’s true that a lot of students dream to go to Harvard because they believe it will make things happen for them. It’s also true that Harvard might be overrated. Personally I believe that if you want to make things happen, you have to be persistent and dilligent to pursue your dreams. Nothing will come to you if you don’t truly want it.
    We all share different opinions toward Harvard, and I can’t say if mine must be right and yours are wrong. However, I would appreciate it if KT and MM can keep their discriminating opinions to themselves. Don’t sound too bitter just because you can’t make it there. Who knows that you guys are kicking yourselves for not grasping the chance when it comes. I’m happy for your friend who is studying at Harvard, KT. The fact that he took a chance and applied shows a significant difference between you and him, so don’t even compare your intelligence to his. Your comment just makes people realize your ignorance toward Harvard’s standard. It’s more about people who fully utilize resources to achieve goals rather than waste their intelligence to meaningless purposes.

  17. bleach16 says:

    well itd be cool to go to korea but I wouldnt go all the way to harvard just to go to korea. too much money and my parents probably wouldnt even let me go alone.

  18. PurpleKimchi says:


  19. ying says:

    Oh, great.. one more way to get these freakin’ MBAs to stratify the world.. Isn’t Hollywood enough?

  20. […] is the brainchild of SM Entertainment head, Lee Su-man. For the past 3 years, SM Entertainment has invited Harvard MBAs to Korea for a lecture on the Hallyu […]

  21. pouvait says:

    Hm, so we’ve seen the head of JYPE all the time. But I was always curious what “Father SM” looked like.

    .. and sad to say,…. DISAPPOINTMENT.

    He looks like a drunk pedophile.

  22. Ei Thu says:

    I like to attend in the harvard coz it’s one of the best schools around the world……I also want to meet with my favorite stars in person…..I’m not in the MBA status and i’m just attending the diploma……..actually i wanna go there…..but it’s a little bit impossible for me…coz only i can afford the tuition fees when i got scholarship…..

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