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Lee Hyori weighs in


Lee Hyori revealed on the Sunday television variety show, “Family Outing” that she weighs a healthy 53kg. With a height of 164cm, that’s normal. However, in Korean standards, that’s fat. Her counterpart on the show, Lee Su-kyong weighs an ideal 46 kg at 167cm height. And we know it’s because she’s all flab.

Better to weigh more and be “healthy” than to be a bag of sagging skin and porous bones. Eck.

The confessional Family Outing episode aired on December 8th.

Leehyori_081210 (1)

126 Comments on “Lee Hyori weighs in”

  1. asianromance says:

    love that pic of her in this post! her body looks really toned and firm. i don’t know why people are so obsessed about weight when muscles can add weight and gaining 2 pounds might not necessarily make you look like you weight 2 pounds more than usual.

  2. lala says:

    who cares. she’s still sexy and skinny people are not sexy.

  3. SP says:


    Popseoul, you probably have no clue BUT muscles weights more fat.

    EX: My 2 eldest sisters are 105-110 lbs at 5’5 and I’m 125 lbs at 5’6. We’re all pretty much as slim as one another but I’m more athletic build.

    And to clarify, EACH individual’s body type is different from others.

  4. SP says:

    Lee Hyori looks great!!!

  5. bdean says:

    I see antiBOA is up to his old, doofus tricks again.

    Calling Hyori a “slut” while praising Britney (who, btw, isn’t that attractive and is basically white trash) – LMAO!!

  6. Dovey says:

    Hyo Lee is not heavy at all! Korean standards are “bleh”.

  7. ummm…she says she’s 164 cm. but there is no way that she is 164 cm. I’d take 2 cm off of that. she can’t be more than 162 cm.

  8. StUPiDiTY says:

    wow..@AntiBoA. ur so gay. why do u put f*cking stupid a** comments here? if u hate korean ppl so much then mind ur own business and keep it to ur self sheesh. bcuz UR the slut. u stupid b*tch. i mean it im sick and tired of u gay a** comments. just shut the f*ck up for ONCE!!! u stupid whore.

  9. StUPiDiTY says:

    hello???? popseoul ur stupid im serious. ur give stupid remarks here about the GAY-EST news. who cares if hyori’s fat. she seems fit to me! ALL websites about korean news are gay. they make fun of korean stars and over exaggerate. thats hella gay. go get a life popseoul.

  10. StUPiDiTY says:

    i mean, i really wanna know wats happening in kore but could u AT LEAST NOT OVER EXAGGERATE?!?

  11. lollipop says:

    164cm..and 54kg?
    u call dat fat?
    opps, i mean, asian call dat fat?

  12. mina says:

    at least she’s normal…and i think it’s crazy that her weight is considered fat! i would never go there now because their gonna call me obese!!!

  13. happy says:

    If I were as “fat” as Hyori and had her kind of body, I’d be the happiest girl in the world! lol!
    Well….maybe I’d add a little more fat to Hyori’s “fat,” then I’d be perfect!

  14. myoungjae says:

    omg lol they think shes fat?? i weigh like…126..IM HUGE!! (jokes) i wanna get lee hyori fat tho..thats my ideal weight 😀

  15. kk.tsk says:

    Hyori is damn perfect!

  16. concur says:

    I totally agree!

  17. NYCgrl says:

    She looks great.She has a great body. Stick skinny especially if you look like your starving is not a great look. It would be a tad better if she had longer legs but she looks better than 95% of us.


  18. sam says:

    LOL oh yes shes fat alright T_______T
    shes so fit and has a body to die for

  19. Go Hyori! Start the healthy girl wave. It’s a good thing she did this, because many idolize her. The fact that she doesn’t mind telling the world, will inspire young girls to feel okay about themselves. Also, in Korea it’s not like Japan, with friends saying your fat. You parents might tell you that if they’re that type to do that, but it’s not really common. There are actually many people, that prefer girls that have meat on them. They’re not the majority consensus.

  20. Han says:

    well at odd it might sound but the only (and first) thing that I agree to Hyoree, her body is healthy. Girls you should have realised that skinny DOESN”T mean pretty, see her boobs? ( and not her bum). Besides your bf prefers to hold a fluffy bags then a bunch of sticks and bones

  21. Miko says:

    FAT?! Dear Lord. Then I must be morbidly obese.

  22. Jen says:

    duuude. 53 kg is freakin normal.
    she’s not fat. duuh.. if she’s fat then what is kim shinyoung?

    again, its better than being anorexic. the last time i see heo yi jae and lee yeon hee, both girls look like sticks.

  23. Sarah says:

    She’s my new inspiration.

  24. Jane says:

    I’ve never known a vainer race in my life.

  25. Taylor says:

    God they’re dumb..HOW is Hyori Lee FAT? =_= Look at her — even at that healthy weight, she looks as thin as most Asians I see. There’s not a damn thing wrong with this woman.

    But you know what’s interesting? When these Koreans trying to slim down to 2 pounds die because of their eating disorders, Hyori’s gonna come out on top.

  26. jollie says:

    yeahhh… she’s sexy…

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