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Lee Min-ho’s fans donate to UNICEF Love Net


Always nice to see fans donating to a cause in the name of their idol~

As announced earlier, Lee Min-ho was recently appointed as the ambassador for the UNICEF Love Net campaign that seeks to increase awareness and the prevention of malaria in Africa. Malaria is easily preventable, but when one is living in poverty and doesn’t even have access to clean, fresh water, that becomes the least of one’s problems and children are especially susceptible to dying from malaria. The Love Net campaign is essentially trying to raise funds to provide and install LLINs (long-lasting insecticidal nets) in the homes of these families.  For more information about this campaign, click here.

Anyway, the kindhearted fans of Lee Min-ho on DCInside started fundraising after the news of their idol being a part of this campaign, and have donated 6.22 million (Lee Min-ho’s birthday is June 22nd) KRW to Love Net campaign. In addition to that, a separate fan cafe donated an additional 3.75 million KRW, accumulating a total of 9.97 million KRW.

From my research, each bed net costs about 6000 KRW. You do the math. Whatever the amount, it’s still great to see fans dedicating themselves to their idol’s cause.

Here’s one of Lee Min-ho’s Love Net videos~

18 Comments on “Lee Min-ho’s fans donate to UNICEF Love Net”

  1. juliagulia007 says:

    Good to see the fans supporting an idols cause and good to see an idol doing something to support/help the less fortunate. We need to see more idols helping out with more world causes.

  2. ONEDAY says:

    this is funny!!!! when i was still in high school me and my club would always fundraise for UNICEF. we actually alot of fun doing it too….ahhh the good old days…

  3. callie says:

    korean fans are the best and worst….

  4. g says:

    i agree with callie

  5. Marditha says:

    Nice to know that not all fans are that bad as they seem, or is it only because of Min ho?
    Anyway, they are helping, right?

  6. luvya says:

    It’s so nice that fans are starting to donate on behalf of their fav celebs name now! It’s an awesome trend!

  7. gammelbraut says:

    That’s more than 1600 mosquito nets (1661,66 to be exact;-)
    Good job, Min-Ho fans!

  8. I'll Change My Name says:

    arrr,…here we go again..
    lucky MinHo..

  9. Jan says:

    Awww, it’s so good to hear about fans organizing together for a beneficial cause that goes towards helping those who really do need urgent help. Takes my mind off the more unpleasant side of Kpop fandom ^^

  10. drea says:

    Aw, I love Lee Min-ho!

  11. Beckbeck says:

    Though they should’ve tried to give as much as possible automatically-not because their idol told them to…it’s still nice they donated. Good job Minho!!

  12. hi ………. my one of ur fan

  13. sailay says:

    I love u minho

    good job!

  14. larissa says:

    he’s so hot and good hearted he’s so perfect ❤

  15. evelyn says:

    hy lee min ho im your fans in indonesian.
    you’re very handsome boy

  16. nhia says:

    kak minho i lophhhhhhhh you phulllll

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