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[pop quiz]Who is dancing alone against the wall?


Touch Touch Touch Touch me.

It’s Ivy from her “Touch Me” music video!

The video that was recently rated too sexual by broadcasting companies, she was only touching herself.

What’s wrong with that?

Check out the touching to her own beat:

30 Comments on “[pop quiz]Who is dancing alone against the wall?”

  1. sam says:

    first SUCKAS!

  2. . says:

    slow news day, PS? pretty much the same booty call as your “Ivy cannot Touch Me” post…

  3. jiahongkong says:

    hmm….FIRST!! definately not appropriate for children. nor adults.

  4. YES YES YES says:

    BOOga BooGA Boooga

  5. jiahongkong says:

    oops. not first. JK

  6. rawr says:

    this song is FAIL. she touches her crotch like every 2 secs!!! before i listened to the song i was on Ivy’s side thinking the broadcasting companies were overacting again.
    but my god! the song isnt catchy nor has the right dance moves! to think i was looking forward to THIS

  7. katesue says:

    she should have come back with her ballad.

    stupid stupid company of hers

    but she is so good live.

  8. xiu says:

    dont like it…

  9. hehe says:

    lady gaga, much? XP

  10. hee says:

    she can touch me all she wants… hahaha

  11. Japsumchae says:

    it reminds me of Ayumi Hamaski’s Spark

  12. sunghyo says:

    didnt like the song but come on there r some worse MVs around haha

  13. kiari says:

    when she’s wearing da silver dress wid black stripes, she luks lyk madonna in celebration… da way she dance..

  14. Brian says:

    never was a big fan of hers but i like the song

  15. ilyshBB says:

    It’s like she has a fetish for touching her pink taco & inner thighs. ._.

  16. MBLAQLOVER says:


  17. jojo says:

    lol i thought she was dambi
    stop having sex with the wall~!

  18. hee tae says:

    no way. didn’t liked the song at all.

  19. riksi says:

    i think the song is kinda catcy :p

  20. Cherry~ says:

    The song fails =|
    She looks a bit old.

  21. Ivy does look cheap says:

    Total and complete rip-off of Madonna’s last video. This is why the Koreans can’t make it in the States. Nothing original. Just shameless copying.

  22. iowes says:

    It’s not that bad……the song sucks, but the mv is sexy and classy unlike chaeyeon’s!

  23. Heartbreak96 says:

    ivy has no other moves, she luks like dambi from bhind, but naw…the song sucked, sorry fans

  24. RayneItaho says:

    lame…. this song is ridiculously repetitive.
    ivy can touch herself all she wants… it just seems so lame that pretty much no one else is touching her.
    it’s almost like she went on her own sex fantasy…. w/o a partner O_o

  25. xingyzheng says:

    this is better than chaeayeon’s comeback at the very least. not back actually

  26. phililen3 says:

    if you need to sell your body to sell your music……..

  27. t.a says:

    Ivy!! She’s always dance against the wall. it’s her fav! lol!

  28. selly says:

    i like this, very nice

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