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[POP Quiz] Who is Sandara playing Hide & Seek with?


None other than herself!

2NE1’s Sandara Park released photos of herself on her Me2day (Korean version of a Twitter). Check out her photos!

She also wrote: “Catch me if you can~heehee,” “I’m hiding here~~~!!! ^.^” and “A warning to those who like to run around and play hide & seek like I do!!! Watch where you’re running because if you don’t, BAM! You might run into something!”
Sandara has very responsive fans as she already has over 500 replies.
Go Dara!

32 Comments on “[POP Quiz] Who is Sandara playing Hide & Seek with?”

  1. as says:


    so cute!! ^.^
    love sandara park!!


  2. Min-Hee says:

    ^~^ OMG Dara is sooo kawaii, i do that too hehe 😀


  3. SS501.lover. says:

    WOOT WOOT for Ssandara Park! LOve for lots!

  4. LOL says:

    b-day girl playing hide and seek with herself!? lol

  5. ax04 says:

    She’s adorable!

  6. clare says:

    I like option 4: G-Dragon. Go Daragon!

  7. tvgirlxq says:

    She is so cute!!!

  8. Heartbreak96 says:

    ahem..i knew it, she was playin hide and seek wit herself hahaha

  9. NotMii says:

    love how GDragon is one of the options :] Daragon FTW~

  10. ASB says:

    She’s really beautiful, she’s look like 16 years old….
    Happy Birthday Dara!!!!

  11. katesue says:

    yeah but you can see minji’s leggings in the reflection of the last photo

  12. jac says:

    Happy Birthday DARA!!!!

  13. zharmx says:

    …,,,sandara is always fun of taking pictures of herself,,
    i like the one when she is hiding i
    n a tree

  14. Meh says:

    Shouldn’t you credit?

  15. LinaOguri says:

    Love Dara. She is so cute. I started to like her when I saw the KissMV.

  16. lalah says:

    So cute! Can’t wait to see her on Family OUting!

  17. metoo says:

    She can play with me! lol

  18. MBLAQLOVER says:

    She’s cute, and that’s all she is.

  19. estefanie says:


  20. lol says:

    Ready or not here I come. lol

  21. maki!! says:

    stupid people!!! its obvious that someone is with her…definitely his not with GD cause his in japan:p

  22. Roxy_Is_Ferox says:

    Happy BEERday Dara!

    Ateh, pataba ka naman! mga kasama mo nagsisilusugan!

  23. megumi says:

    hei dara! C:
    how are you? wish to meet you in my birthday :C

  24. megumi says:

    wish to see you in my birthday :C

  25. generose says:

    go sandy!!AJA!super u always say @ ur SCQ (star circle quest) “MAhal ko Kayo!”(with your wave)wish u can have project at Star Cinema

  26. ihart_GD says:

    she’s playing hide&seek with GD!! :))
    haha. i’d freak of this happens!
    i want it to happen.! haha

  27. ayane000 says:

    *click on GD option* DARAGON ! 😛 although its pretty obvious that it is not GD hehe

  28. t.a says:

    Dara is sooooo cute..

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