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Eric lookalike under the knife 23 times!


Who is this guy? Well, nobody you know. His name is Park Hyo-jeong and he claims to have undergone 23 plastic surgeries to achieve a complete transformation to look like popsinger Eric. Yes, that’s right, over 23! He now works as a model.


Can you believe the transmorgification? He has changed from grossy to gorgeous! Amazing….

Some more pics of the new face. It looks like he has gotten double folds, nose surgery and also some implants on this forehead and jaw. I’m not a plastics expert, but that’s what I suspect.



29 Comments on “Eric lookalike under the knife 23 times!”

  1. yata says:

    He looks the same to me, just seems to get some facial hair, is there a surgery for this in Korea?

  2. popseoul says:

    yes- the difference between beautiful and plain jane is a matter of a couple of millimeters…. perhaps that is why you don’t notice the difference… but if you get a few mm fixed here and there, your look will be improved overall….

  3. Amerasian in Daegu says:

    W/ all these people getting surgery you gotta wonder what they are going to tell their future wifes/husbands.

    They get married and are about to have kids. They wait in the hospital to see the next Korean model and then BOOM!~ a hideous child comes forth…so the next step for the child is not (if its a male) to get circumsized but to have plastic surgery.

  4. ShenYue says:

    Amerasian in Daegu hahahhahahhaahhah you are so funny!! Good point!!! Girls out there dating guys from now the first question would be how many plastic surgery you had? where is your high school graduation picture? also make sure to see his grandma!

  5. lululemon says:

    the only thing he did was the eyelid surgery his nose lips chin and overall face shape is the same…i dont believe he did over 23 surgeries but yes he did do surgery on his eyes which is pretty obvious

  6. Eve says:

    he still doesn’t look like Eric -__-;;

  7. nomu says:

    is what Shenyue said true?? Do Korean guys also get plastic surgeries?? if it’s true..maaan they should stop…

  8. amareally says:

    he does looked different…but not much like eric at all.. i guess no matter how many surgeries people had and how high-tech and experienced the doctors are but you just can’t beat the real thing !

  9. Di says:

    ah i can’t tell the difference

  10. Vera says:

    He doesn’t look very much like Eric at all.
    I think it has something to do with his face shape being too long but he doesn’t really look very much like Eric. Ah yes, his chin is too long and his eyes don’t have the sort of naivety Eric’s does.

  11. mizzida says:

    “He has changed from grossy to gorgeous!” ahhahahaah….what the…..hahahahha….okay…..i’m just gonna let it go…^_^

  12. Krystel E. says:

    haha!! thats very FUNNY!! *i laugh hard*

  13. kitty says:

    lol he doesnt look like eric

  14. anonymous says:

    i think that it would be funny if these ppl with plastic surgery got married & had babies…

    cause then one might think that they married some beautiful girl & then their baby will be beautiful…

    but then when the baby comes out its like UGLY…

    “oh yeah honey…sorry i forgot to mention…i got plastic surgery…before i was really ugly!”

  15. inez says:

    Maybe he has to go thru’ 52 more surgeries to look like Eric..(gosh!! the k/folks are creepy…)

  16. sexychikita says:

    OMG!!he had almost 23 plastic surgeries?..Gosh!!but they are all worth it,he looks like now with eric unlike before..hahaha!!!is plastic surgery really a boom or hit with most of korean stars?’s really obvious with their noses..:) but great job of those plastic surgereons huh?..LOL..

  17. Em says:

    That “before” photo of him was probably sometime after he’s gone under the knife a few times already. Seems like some ppl do that to fool you as if they already looked good to begin with.

  18. carpediem says:

    as much as i’m not a fan of the plastic surgery craze in korea…i have to say he looks so much better after that perhaps it was worth it? it’s hard cuz i think natural beauty is the best and plastic surgery can make a person look well…so fake (shocker!), yet when the results are such an improvement from the before and when a person can look so much better with just a minor surgery such as double eyelid, my position kinda wavers. but i still greatly admire those who have managed to withold themselves from divin into plast surg. simply being natural is beautiful! (btw, i know i kinda drifted from the main topic but the guy does look better afterwards..23 surgeries though..was that many really necessary?)

  19. Carmela says:

    Gosh!!!!! Whatta?????

  20. Hokensongirl says:

    Dear all,

    This is a true story. My friend gave birth to her baby boy three months and when she first said the baby looked like an alien, I just kinda joked and said, “Give it a few months, they all come out like that!”

    Lo and behold, few months later the baby did not look like an alien anymore so that’s good. Except he doesn’t look like any of his parents either.

    Her husband actually had the eyes and cheeks done!

    She is thinking about filing for divorce!

    I for one, have always been about self-improvement but now I’m not sure…

  21. Myanmar says:

    unbelieveable face ! So ugly! Pls…KOREA Face the hypocrite!

  22. DAMN says:

    well the reason he kindah look alike eric is bc eric also have surgery….SHINhWA all of them…i like them too besides andy but yeahhhim forreall…but i dont think that dude have 23 times thoughh DANG HAHHAH korean ppl are uglyy …DANG

  23. ForeignGirl says:

    he got rid of his huge chin

  24. nikki says:

    he still looks ugly.

  25. citra says:

    why the koreans are not satisfied with their look? are they’re dying to have big eyes and high nose?well i’ve watched oprah last year that reported about a lot of korean went to plastic surgery,and the reason is to become a unique asian.

  26. haha says:

    they cant ALL look that bad right?? because there are tons of koreans at my school and some of them actually look very pretty…like some of the stars

  27. xingyzheng says:

    errr…he doesnt look cute at all

  28. vivian0304 says:

    he doesn’t look handsome like Eric at all
    yeah, Eric fighting

  29. mahogany says:

    OK. So I think that’s too harsh to say his before was gross..I mean, it’s an OK and clean face. Who the hell are you saying his face gross? It was a God-made, ya knaw~

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