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Daniel Henney arouses fans in Myongdong


Everytime I look at Daniel Henney, I think, “dang, he’s beautiful!” Because of him, I watched every minute of the Uhm Jung-hwa vehicle, Seducing Mr. Robin. The movie was full of cliches, but Mr. Henney’s looks alone carried it through.

And now, his gorgeousness has another movie coming out in the beginning of September, My father about an American adoptee who returns to Korea to find his Korean roots.

Mr. Henney was in Myongdong on the 18th to promote his movie to passerbyers. Actually, the people formed a mob around the gorgeous one as he threw out movie posters into the screaming crowd. He was joined by half-Japanese “star” Eva Popiel (25) who rose to fame on the hit KBS TV 2 talk show, Mi-nyo-dul-ue-suda (미녀들의 수다) featuring foreigners who speak Korean well.


Pop in:
Henney and Park Shiyeon for Biotherm
New movie in the works for Daniel Henney

95 Comments on “Daniel Henney arouses fans in Myongdong”

  1. Laura says:

    He’s Wayyyyyyyyyyy Hot.

    I think that’s all that needs to be said here.

  2. yeli says:

    he might be good looking but he acting is questionable….acting along side him is probably the equivalent of acting with a brick wall….although he has improved, there is still plenty of room for improvement…

    but yeah, he’s pretty 😀

  3. daffodil says:

    oh, .. eva. i love her since Fullhouse with Suju. Daniel’s gorgeous, and so is eva.

  4. XiaoXi says:

    Well, there’s no arguing with your taste in hunks–he is luscious!

  5. DUMBO says:

    I see london, i see france, i see henney’s underpants!

  6. OMG! says:

    his acting has steadily improved. while we can’t judge everything based on the movie trailer, he seems to show a wide range of emotions. his co-star is a very good actor. one of korea’s best. hopefully that raises daniel’s game as well…

  7. cosmicolor says:

    She’s from Super Junior Full House! It’s good to see that she’s been successful after that show.

    And Daniel Henney is ridiculous.

    … ridiculously gorgeous!

  8. I am your DeathNote says:

    He’s hot here. Nice smile..seem like a good ole fellow.
    The tralier looks good..I’m sure it moves slow..but it also looks like a touching movie. Wow…we will surely see his dramatic acting in this. yeh! I hope its good…and give us more then just his good looks.

  9. Naqiyyah says:

    I wanna watch his movie!! He’s like sooooo HOT!!! Saranghe!!

  10. mackten says:

    hot Hot HOT!!!!

  11. hulhul says:

    Eva Sachiko!

  12. renny says:

    Daniel = Hotnessssss sss sss

    Funny thing is i just watched heroine 6 with daniel on the show last night lol

  13. RainArgifel says:

    oppa ki bum (suju) saranghae^^!

  14. Starz says:

    he’s definately hotttt!!! his smile *sigh* speechless…

  15. haerim says:

    he is a beautiful specimine…

  16. lyn says:

    Okay, the movie looks really stupid. They kept repeating, “my father.” He’s just eye candy with no acting ability.

  17. shinbi says:

    OMG !!! I was in that place 2 months ago.. i wish i was there right now .. 😦

  18. hem says:

    Aug 20th, 2007 at 3:11 pm
    oppa ki bum (suju) saranghae^^!

    you Elves sucks!

  19. hem says:

    Aug 20th, 2007 at 3:20 pm
    Okay, the movie looks really stupid. They kept repeating, “my father.” He’s just eye candy with no acting ability.

    he;s acting is better than Chinese actor!

  20. alexthegirl says:

    ok, the man IS hot but is he going to be speaking in English the whole time?!? I understand its perfectly fine in the context of the story but for some reason, I just find it odd.

  21. shan says:

    AWWW I WAS JUST THERE!!! I swear everything happened AFTER I left Korea.

    Atleast I saw Lee Minwoo….

  22. May says:

    I love henney, but when i see a sad movie trailer, it doesn’t make me want to watch it because it’s just too sad.

  23. sujin says:

    omg !!! soooo not fair!!! i am in korea .. for a visit.. and my family and i went to coax(?) mall on that day.. and was planning to go to myoungdong..!~!!! but noooo… we couldn’t b/c we were tired

  24. nz fan says:

    oh myong dong….. i wanna go back

  25. ed says:

    gosh it’s odd he’s emoting so much in english. who’s there to understand him LOL? then again the bad acting in english of D-WAR hasn’t kept people away!

    henney’s very doable (oops: likable), but those emotional scenes feel like after school special about father-son rifts.

    good acting is not just about gushing different emotions, but how they actually transition and flow with a logic corresponding to the world your character lives in.

    anyway this could be interesting with the shared history b/n korea & america. and hopefully henney is more than beefcake watchable this time. he really should play brothers with daniel wu!

  26. lyn says:

    –hem Aug 20th, 2007 at 3:31 pm

    Aug 20th, 2007 at 3:20 pm
    Okay, the movie looks really stupid. They kept repeating, “my father.” He’s just eye candy with no acting ability.

    he;s acting is better than Chinese actor!–

    Okay and huh. I’m not Chinese, so you really didn’t offend me much.

    Let’s just face the facts, that this guy can’t act. If you enjoy his acting abilities then watch his movies, I don’t really care.

    Clearly, you’re delusional. Tony Leung, Chow yun-fat, and maggie Cheung are few of the best actors in the world and they’re chinese.

  27. linh says:

    hmm…I haven’t seen much of his acting except in kim sam soon..and he wasn’t too bad.

  28. yonsama says:

    Why you all always bash korean?
    if you don’t like korean, you don’t watch korean drama, movie and singers!

  29. says:

    as u don’t realize, this is a korean blog. if u don’t like korean entertainment, why are u even in here? -_- you’re just wasting ur time. don’t bring in other races. at least u could do is come up with a better korean actor like gong yoo. ❤ coffee prince.

  30. swtaznlaydee says:

    who do u think is a better actor? daniel henney or dennis oh? im curious. ;D

  31. BlushPony says:

    soooo hot! =D

  32. mawee says:

    he’s droolable!!! whatta body~ ^^

  33. iDAREyou says:

    OMG!! LOL~~
    im sure the girls are hoping to see something wooden off him other than his acting.

  34. Zarni says:

    he is always hot and sexy and more confident ever.

  35. kculture says:

    HAHA at first I thought the movie was supposed to semi-depict his life… but unless his father is a murderer, then I’m very very wrong. Keep us up to date on how the movie does, yeah? 😉

  36. miraigal says:

    she is the same EVA in SuJu Full House??? Wow..look at what fame did to her. She was pretty before but now she is beautiful!! Frankly speaking Daniel’s ‘good looks’ doesnt do it for me as his acting is “duh”.

  37. vanessaly says:

    He is hot alright, but i just dont like his personality. He seems to have a ´HUGE´ ego and that is a big turn-off for me. Dont know anything about his acting abilities, tho

  38. Aivoxora says:

    Daniel, you should just stand there and let me look at you. Dont ACT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. dwilliams says:

    I dont know if he has a huge ego but he knows he looks good and one cant deny that so with most good-looking people they may be slightly cocky it is to be expected. Anyway the movie looks decent and his acting is decent. However to the person that said he could act better than a Chinese actor, that is a bit far-fecthed. Andy Lau, Shaun Yue and Tony Leung would run circles around him. Nevertheless he can only get better.

  40. Megan says:

    EVA!! CURSE YOU!! First SuJu and now Daniel Henney!? lol jk. XD Thanks for sharing!

  41. shan says:

    OMG I didn’t even realize that was Eva!! I really liked her on that SuJu show.

  42. yznw says:

    handsome as everrrrrrr

  43. Puffy says:

    His face has gotten puffier and he looks less dry. What diet would do that to a person?

  44. lazybum says:

    hot damn, he is sooo fine!!! but man, he can’t act… but i guess we can all just drool in the cinemas…8D

  45. snowpanda says:

    Omg! Daniel Henney! So hot!

  46. lipzx says:

    hot asssss mofo… love him….

  47. Jane says:

    Eva is so damn lucky 😉

  48. sLaVe says:

    Damn, I must agree, the man is good looking. Seducing Mr. Perfrect wasn’t even that funny. I’d say Daddy Long Legs was funnier. BUT, the man in this movie… is… *grins*


  49. starz12 says:

    cant wait for this movie… this movie is hell of sad man… oh plzzz….what the hell is wrong with his hair..

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