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Kim Tae Hee’s face is less than 12 cm


Beauty in Korea is defined by your face size – the smaller your face, the prettier you are. And that’s why Kim Tae Hee is so prized in Korea, despite her weak acting.

Kim Tae Hee showed off her miniature face during a face size competition with ex T.T.Ma member, Soy in her latest Corn Silk Tea CF, confirming her top star status with her 12 cm face.

How big or small is your face? If it’s smaller than 12cm, you can become the next CF queen in Korea.

Check out her CF here.

Pop in:
Kim Tae-hee for Hera
Who Pops it Best? Kim Min Hee or Kim Tae Hee
Stop trying to be so pretty, Kim Taehee

168 Comments on “Kim Tae Hee’s face is less than 12 cm”

  1. ML says:

    I’m REALLY glad that people come in all shapes and sizes. Diversity is BEAUTIFUL. If KTH has <12 cm sized face, good for her. If another person has a 20/30/40 or more cm sized face, good for him/her so long as we accept ourselves as who we are and what God has given us. Don’t be obsessed about people’s perception of beauty.

  2. Dovey says:

    Dear god, Koreans need to cut themselves some slack. For example, having big calves is like a fat “NO”, and the shape of your face is oh “SO DAMN IMPORTANT”. Their eyes, too. How freakin’ big do they need it to be, and who cares if you don’t have eyelids. Be proud of what you were born with! Do they want everyone looking alike or something? Come on, now…

  3. oluchi says:

    someone said:
    Also, Americans find the preoccupation with modifying the face as disturbing because we see the face as “you”, whereas breast implants, liposuction, and gastric bypass as more “functional” improvements.

    the best explanation i have heard so far bet american and korean plastic surgery.

  4. jicks says:

    Kim Tae Hee is probably around 160cm tall so a 12cm wide face isn’t all that shocking. The key is she looks completely proportioned from head to toe.

    Smaller heads/faces generally make you look taller, which is why many ppl are surprised at a celeb’s height when they meet them in person.

    I unfortunately (or not) was not blessed w/ a small face & if there was a magical, pain-free (& relatively cost-free) method of reducing my face size, I’d be first in line! And no I ain’t Korean. But I blame my obsession w/ contemporary Korean culture!!

  5. junsu(DBSK)fan says:

    Kim Tae Hee is shorter than 160cm, so i think having a 12 cm face isn’t a big deal. Her face and body is proportionate. IMO, a huge face and a tiny body is NOT attractive and you won’t look good in pictures, you’ll look 10x times shorter.

  6. ayoe says:

    Another SHALLOW article….

    What’s the matter with 12 cm face???!!! So what??!!!

    Why koreans often talk about something UNNECESSARY like this???

  7. choo says:

    she’s petite soI guess it’s her “small” head is proportional.

    But the point is, what the heck is that CF trying to say? If you drink that tea you will have small a face of 15 cm and less? What a dumb concept.

  8. choo says:

    **she’s petite so I guess her “small head it proportional to her body.

    anyway, her teeth still bugs the heck outta me though.

  9. What about her teeth? How many centimeters are they? She should hold those choppers next to a bottle of green tea so we can all measure and observe.

    hear hear.
    108 comments! Popseoul where did all these readers come from?

  10. Paul says:

    what does small face have to do with the water they’re trying to sell?

  11. aliCia says:

    Well i really like all the opinions, i haven’t heard one in a long time since living in florida, nobody has an effing mind of their own. anyways i took out my handy dandy ruler and 12 cm?!!?!? wtf? i dont even think my dog’s face is that small! but then again you cant even judge your own culture. beauty is a part of culture, yes everyone agrees, im a Mexican-American from Chicago and immensely proud! i love everything about Mexican culture, from the food, to the music and even the perception of beauty in Mexico. and since im guessing most of the people voicing their opinions here are of Asian heritage or maybe even Caucasian, i think i should share some of my culture with you guys. In Mexico beauty is no lie prob 90% personality. If a woman DRESSES like a whore shes FAT and UGLY! if a woman ACTS like a whore shes FAT, UGLY, and shes NEVER GONNA TO GET MARRIED! no decent man in Mexico wants a woman that’ll spread her legs to the whole neighborhood. ((notice how i said decent cuz not every country’s perfect)) Another example if you have a boyfriend and he invites you to come IN his house ((rarely he wont)) your NOT suppose to go in cuz you’ll look like a whore in front of his parents. you’re suppose to wait until his parents ask you to join them for dinner. and this is in Mexico guys not the Mexican Americans here in the U.S. the Mexican-Americans here have way too much American influence, latin girls in the u.s. dont give a damn. gladly i do, my ex boyfriend never once got a glimpse of my room! like most couples now-a-days go in each others rooms. and he respected that and he respected my morals. and damnit now im starting to regret why i ever broke up with him? anyways another huge part of Mexican beauty is a woman’s hair<3 i was blessed with gorgeous hair, ((thank you God)) and so if i let my hair down and walked down the street in Mexico i’d prob cause a car crash. It’s the length, the style, the thickness, the color, and even how well its maintained. No man wants a girl with dirty smelly hair that looks thin with split ends in it?! so yea thats basically beauty in Mexico
    and in my opinion that whole 12 cm sh**t, i think she needs to get over herself. what is she like 12?

  12. breezy says:

    well my face is smaller than hers! (????) wtf is all that about??

  13. breezy says:

    alicia, babygirl… thats a damn book you wrote over here… you should start your own blog lady, cuz you sure have things to say… wow

  14. Da says:

    how can her face be 12 freaking cm!? looks weird!

  15. SOMETHING_WRONG? says:

    what do u mean 12cm? the diameter of face?
    do u have an idea hong long 12cm is?
    2.54cm = 1 inch… less than 5 inches… less than half of a foot… less than average asian pennis… Dumbest CF I ever seen! wew thats creepy face 12cm horizontal diameter… wow
    sounds like a dogs face… THE CONCEPT OF THE CF IS THE DUMBEST I EVER KNOWN!
    bdwy the sexiest asset of KIM TAE HEE face was her scissor teeth kinda hot hehehe

  16. Jusitn says:

    beginning of 0:12 i think kim tae hee is moving her bottle the one of her left lol can someone else check up on that

  17. Lulia says:

    @ JUSTIN


  18. Brina says:

    I just stuck a CD to my face. HA
    JK I actually measured..From the top of my forehead to the tip my chin is 6in and from the tip of my cheekbone to the other cheekbone, was around 8-9in. WTF Somehow I feel like a little kid.

  19. tricky says:

    Remember kids — you’re beautiful no matter what they say. 12cm can’t bring you down!

  20. livecorn says:

    why pple critizing KTH fake teeth and everytime a celeb news is on Popseoul abt their plastic surgery, pple startedt to bash them badly
    but i’ve notices that when Choi Ji-Woo’s news written here, they praised her of bein cute, pretty, gorgeous….etc yet the woman is more plastic than anyone put together

    Korea is a plastic surgery WONDERLAND, they’re very good at it compare to other countries and most of them come out look pretty “NATURAL” and becos the people in general are aint as good looking as their neighbour countries that’s why plastic are booming. Even their own pple said so.

    i say go Korea LOL

  21. Um... says:

    I really don’t get this concept of having a small face makes you prettier. I think its just coincidence… >_>

    But Kim Tae Hee looks pretty. That’s really all that matters for the CF.

  22. lOvE says:

    12 cm as in DIAMETER of the face, not the LENGTH. now if it were length, that would be really scary.

    koreans don’t think SMALL face=beauty. it’s just that if a beautiful woman like kim tae hee has a small face, koreans think that the small size of her face just ACCENTUATES the beauty.

    trust me, this is true. I’m 5’5″ and the length of my face is 18 cm and the diameter of my face is 13 cm (1 cm more than kim tae hee), but nobody ever called me “beautiful”. and I’m definitely not going to be in any CF b/c of this. *sigh.

  23. lOvE says:

    btw, I LOVE kim tae hee’s outfit here. It’s sexy but cute.

  24. Arisa says:

    (aka um… changed it since I can’t stand using that)

    ^ Thanks. That explains a lot.

  25. MIMI says:


  26. c'est moi says:

    @ mimi: what are you bringing up lee da hae for? she has nothing to do with this post. besides, lee da hae isn’t popular. many people don’t know her. she’s no where near as famous and hot as kim tae hee. kim tae hee is wayyy prettier and popular.

  27. Melissa says:

    So is the CF saying that if I buy their drink I’ll get a smaller face? =_=

  28. . says:

    oh. kim tae hee is very pretty and cute.
    i would say she’s one of the prettiest girl in korea.

    but of course, A LOT OF people JEALOUS of pretty girl.

  29. KyungMin says:

    @ Giro:
    I was saying that I feel bad for someone who actually does have a small face because the majority of the comments were negative about small faces. Just because they don’t look like Kim Tae Hee, doesn’t mean they can’t have small faces. I’m not saying they have to be beautiful; I didn’t even say Kim Tae Hee was beautiful. And when I mentioned the plastic surgury issue, I was referring to other articles I’ve read before on Popseoul. I guess it was a comparison gone wrong? And besides, when did small faces automatically = pretty? Because you make it as though I said small is pretty.

  30. hmmm says:

    my 7 year old daughter watch this CF over and over like 5-6 times… then she told me “mom i wanna chop my head..her face is smaller than mine!” geezus– well of course i’m just exaggerating!LoL

    I still find Kim Tae Hee goddessly beautiful–oh well true beauty is overrated nowadays anyway!

  31. bbiiieminney says:

    hahaha. what a joke?
    if you have nothing to say
    dont say ne at all.

  32. dorkette says:

    12 cm…is extremely small…that might be a little more abnormal than pretty.

  33. anne says:

    Confidence is beauty. If you are confident, you already excel. Well Korea has unique and strange
    concept of beauty, the V line, the S line and all those lines. Actually I have all those lines and I got the small face, smaller than Kim tae hee. so I’m prettier than Kim tae hee? I don’t think so.
    I’m just an ordinary girl in my country my beauty is common but no wonder Korean guys are just crazy over my beauty because of this concept. Maybe it’s just that the heart shape and small shape face in Korea is not common so if you have it, you got “something”. Most Korean women are slim, but not most of them got the S line, I must say most of them are flat so Korean guys just go crazy when they see “chukchukpangpang” women. In the contrary, western men and other nationality prefer the slim type. Well in my country men prefer curvacious, that is our concept of sexiness while other country like Japan slenderness is sexiness. Beauty is a very big deal in Korea bigger than any other country, women just envy other women’s beauty. Real beauty is the inner beauty and beauty doesn’t exactly mean happiness
    You can be beautiful depending on the way you carry yourself. I remember a Korean movie entittled “How to keep my love” starring Kim Jeong-eun and Kim Sang gyeong. The movie depicts
    how other korean women envy others’ beauty. It was funny and interesting. Kim Jeong-eun did well in the movie but I like the theme of the movie the most: “women should envy nothing but true love” If you got the beauty but ain’t got true love, can you be really happy? Well, I won’t go further relating happiness to beauty and keeping your love one. Do I talk nonesense? Why are women dying to keep themselves beautiful anyway? Isn’t it because of this two things?

  34. sensible says:

    okay, she’s cute
    but cute is not equal to beauty..
    but she’s hella popular in korea even though people criticize, so i guess this small-face factor does make sense…

  35. headsshrink says:

    Small Head…Smaller Brain!

  36. nina says:

    12 cm? darn my chubby chipmunk cheeks >.< lolol
    really 12?? that’s really tiny…her head must be tiny lolol!
    but she is cute, but not a lot of sex appeal, if you catch my drift lol :] she’s like a child, i wonder if men fel like pedophiles when they are with her…or maybe that’s her attraction LOL

  37. xoxo says:

    Don’t Koreans know that a smaller head size is correlated with a low intelligence score? Only very special people can fill up their head with only the cerebral cortex rather than having half fluids in there. tsk tsk tsk.

  38. xoxo says:

    Is her teeth really fake? It doesn’t look fake but she didn’t wear braces when she was young, and we all know that getting straight teeth like that happens only with braces (which Koreans don’t seem to be aware of for some reason)

  39. callie says:

    Something about KTH ticks me off. Just participating in this show tells us that she’s pretty arrogant and self-loving about her small face and the way she looks. I thought she was down-to-earth, but I’ve completely changed my mind about her. It’s hard to find anyone that’s genuine and an individual in Korean stardom. I don’t care how “smart” and “beautiful” people think she is…something tells me she’s not that great of her person and her personality is probably as dull as furniture. She’s not sexy or hot. She looks like she’s 10 years old on the verge of puberty. She has the weirdest expressions when she poses, like a goldfish.

  40. KTH overrated piece of wallpaper says:

    Who the F-CK cares about how long her face is??

    What about her f-cking talent??? What happened to that?? Isn’t that what’s most important.

    What the bleeping hell is wrong with Koreans’ mindsets.

  41. . says:

    the more famous/pretty will get more bashing words.

  42. Lolly says:

    “fuq a kim tae hee for perpetuating an image like this. 12 cm w t f? do korean celebs have ANY sense of modesty? dont they EVER feel like they should portray the right image? dont they feel ANY desire to connect with the masses?”

    WORD. I wonder if Koreans will ever realize that one day they’ll need to integrate and interact with the rest of the world. Of course, the Koreans that do matter are probably studying at libraries all day or bright doctors or scientists trying to invent something. Nods to them. You guys are really underexposed and underappreciated.

  43. melissa says:

    smaller head = beauty. alright, acceptable. but to make a commercial out of it?

  44. Nordelm says:

    I don’t believe that beauty is based on the size of your face. For example, in the Miss Universe contest, there’s a lot of things they consider before you win that contest. I don’t remember any criteria that requires the size of your face. The height, the body measurements,& talent are some of the criterias. My cousin didn’t win the Miss USA contest because she was only 5’4″ tall inspite of her beautiful face & body & talent.

  45. Jo says:

    THAT IS SUCH A LIE! What do you mean, “In korea beauty is defined by your face size”?!! Where’d you hear that from? Seriously, where do you get this absurd information? You guys always make korea seem so (EXTREME!!)superficial and stupid.

  46. kpop says:

    @ callie, you’re funny. Money talks, who doesn’t want money – just to show off your cute face?

  47. hhhhh says:

    i liked the commercial…thought it was pretty amusing..^_^
    and they both looked really really pretty..but i don’t like how they charish a small face so much. people can be pretty with a bit large of a face. but i’m getting off topic. cool CF.

  48. puffedcheeks says:

    Big heads, small heads, round heads, square heads. Why can’t we love them all?

  49. rofl. says:

    One question.

    What does her face size have to do with TEA?

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