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Government snatches Rain’s magic stick


The government’s Family Health and Welfare Association has deemed Rain‘s fifth album title song “Rainism” as “unhealthy media material” for the youth of South Korea. According to the tenth clause of the teenager preservation law,  lyrics or images that encourages sexual behavior amongst the young is prohibited.

The Association has forced Rain to remove the “dirty” version of the song from all music sites and charts. In addition, the Association insists that Rain must only perform the “clean version of the song on all televised programs. However, for public performances, no word yet on whether or not he will be allowed to perform the original version.

In response, J Tune Entertainment has announced that, “There was no intention of encouraging sexual behavior or other obscene acts”.

The government’s response is a bit too late. The song, “Rainism”  has been downloaded by thousands of fans. Does the government really think it has the power over the youngins by simply declaring the song is too dirty? Puleeze.  Stopping Rain’s dirty version will only light the flame of his fame.

On the same train of thought – why hasn’t the Korean government not banned any songs from the U.S.A.? Aren’t most of the hip hop/rap/pop songs all about sex, drugs, and violence? Why is “Rainism” banned and Justin Timberlake‘s song “My Love” or even “Sexy back” played on all programs even as of last year?

Anyhow, the lyrics of the song will be changed from

“My magic stick is spinning in your shivering body. You can’t go beyond my body shake. Make it Rainism The Rainism. Feel my body”


“My body shake does not feel the boundaries. Our one and only Rainism.”


And just in case you didn’t hear the original version of the song check it out below.

162 Comments on “Government snatches Rain’s magic stick”

  1. AntiBoA says:


  2. Kaseoki says:


  3. AntiBoA says:

    Btw that “body shake” term is really awful, lol…”my body shake” wtf is that? lol…wow LMAO.

    Rain needs to give up and just enjoy whatever money he’s made up until now, he’s a f*cking loser without his pal JYP writing for him apparently, lol. this song is so God awful original and fixed.

  4. TomatoJuice says:

    😀 LOL.

  5. wYt says:

    3rd?? dang..

    it’s my 1st time to post though

  6. cookiekillaa says:

    lol promoting sexual acts among teens… sorry to say but most of the music performances in korea and worldwide these days have a LOT of sexy routines – and lyrics in some cases – so it’s kinda ridiculous to read about this

  7. shakalaka says:

    I guess no publicity is bad publicity
    Rain fighting!!!!
    [Nov-25-2008] (Rain, Sensational Controversy on Rainism led to Commercial Success? Daily Album Sales Go Multiple)

    Singer Rain’s new album ‘Rainism’ is attracting the public notice as it makes a nice sales of album despite of its controversy on its sensationalism.
    Hunter Chart, the internet site for totalizing sales of music album, says that ‘Rainism’, Rain‘s fifth music album, went multiple sales to that of previous day on 24th, on that day it had been labeled as ‘harmful to youth’.
    As it is said, around 1,000 daily sales on 23th went up to 2,100 sales on 24th.
    This album, as to the same chart, has shown its average sales of 1,000 everyday in last week.

    Singer Rain’s new album ‘Rainism’ is attracting the public notice as it makes a nice sales of album despite of its controversy on its sensationalism.
    Hunter Chart, the internet site for totalizing sales of music album, says that ‘Rainism’, Rain‘s fifth music album, went multiple sales to that of previous day on 24th, on that day it had been labeled as ‘harmful to youth’.
    As it is said, around 1,000 daily sales on 23th went up to 2,100 sales on 24th.
    This album, as to the same chart, has shown its average sales of 1,000 everyday in last week.

    It is general fact that singer’s album shows the decline of sales as time passes if without any miraculous occurrence. Therefore, many people see this strange situation of favorable sales as the result of last deliberation on Rainism.

    credit to MyDaily

  8. Izumi says:

    The government probably wouldn’t have responded if it weren’t for such a big discussion about the lyrics by the Korean netizens and the media (which influenced each other probably).

    While I do think that the lyrics were viable for criticism, I was kind of surprised that the government would actually get involved. I do agree with PopSeoul though, it’s not like doing so will do anything other than showing that the government can exercise its power; people have already purchased the album, and it’s a known fact that the majority of album sales happens right when it comes out, so it’s not like more people are going to buy the new, “clean” version…

    Sounds to me like just more money lost for J Tunes…

  9. Eva says:

    LOL…such an awful lyrics

  10. AntiBoA says:

    Korean artist album sales are always crappy, not even worth mentioning whether “good” or just plain bad. lol

    I remeber Rihanna’s label got ready to pack her ass up and drop her when she sold *OVER* what DBSK made with their comeback album, apparently that’s not much in the only important music scene in the world.

    I wonder how these people make any real money, It’s probably why they only have their crappy idol groups and singers in CF’s and all over movies and dramas,instead of real actors or models. lol saddddddddddddd…….

  11. The song went from confussing to really confussing.

  12. Mye says:

    why the government is spending time with this when korea have many other problems?

    go rain \o/

  13. yumi says:

    @anti boa
    is it true that rihanna is kinda going broke ?

  14. shinta says:

    I hate to say this but, you wrote well this time..

    I like the song nevertheless..I’m no longer a teen so I’m fine with whatever lyrics the song has..Then again, I did not find it “implicitly sexual” the first time I heard(read) the lyrics so..yeah..whatever! But kids tend to be disobedient you know, the more you proscribe, the more curious they can

  15. AntiBoA says:


    I have no idea whats in Rihanna’s bank account right now, I wouldn’t doubt it though since she is foreign to America and even ‘good’ well known labels, managers and such can take advantage of her easily.

    but I do know her label was ready to drop her at one point along with that other Mari whats her face girl from that label due to album sales not being what they expected.

  16. kitty says:

    oh rain.. =.=

  17. logomogo says:

    not a fan of rain but WTF? This is giving Rain more publicity. Teenagers are probably more tempted to go and search and download the explicit version.

    I guess it’s the usual attempt by a government to try and pretend that they’re actually “doing” something.

  18. Nozomi says:

    Maybe the Korean goverment needs to crack down on teenagers killing themselves.

    I have to agree with popseoul, cause Justin Timberlakes Sexyback promotes Bondage and S&M:

    Dirty babe
    You see the shackles
    Baby I’m your slave
    I’ll let you whip me if I misbehave
    It’s just that no one makes me feel this way.

    And hear and see them dancing and singing to his song all the time on the different variety shows.

  19. BluJ says:

    This is rather funny…
    Anyhow, why are you guys talking about Rihanna? She’s been on boosters ever since her “Umbrella” single took off; she went multi-platinum within a short amount of time, beating out album sales records by major big-name artists. She keeps on going with “Disturbia”, and her rather faintly promoted “Take a Bow” was a hit too.
    She’s become one of the most prominent figures in the American pop industry these days, and here AntiBoA is, probably referring to the time when Rihanna was in her SOS days… A sad sad person who tries to sound like he knows something lol, stop yourself you keep on shooting yourself in the foot.
    Also, comparing Korean album sales to American ones? LMAO, are you RETARDED? Go to wikipedia, and calculate the ratio of the population of the U.S. over the population of Korea. Wow, an epic failure of a comparison lmao 이 미췬아, 똘아이 짓 할려면 좀 제데로 뭘 알고나 해라, 존나 비참한 새끼 ㅋㅋㅋ

  20. AntiBoA says:

    BluJ you must still be hurt over the boa post considering you refused to read “at some point” lol. Or maybe you’re just THAT dense.

    Stop trying so hard, and wtf did I tell you about the corny overused memes, stop trying so damn hard.


  21. calmer410 says:

    Oh this is so stupid…they make it sound like teenagers in Korea noe nothing bout sex

  22. Orangekitty says:

    Like common .. the young ones already know much more
    Than a stick shaking in someones body ;DD lol

  23. AntiBoA says:

    Btw the whole broke rumour was started after she fired the person who handles her money/account and also alot of other big name stars.

    That woman claimed all this herself to protect her name from being dragged through the mudd I guess, she claimed that rihanna’s label was using HER money to fund her music videos, instead of paying for the videos themselves, and was using HER money for basically everything instead of funding their artist with their money.

    So yes even after all those hit songs AFTER her crappy ‘Girl Like Me’ and ‘Music of the sun’ days trust me it’s possible for her to be going broke if she didn’t continue to work her ass off, luckily she’s either aware that they were using her money to fund her videos and album, or she fired someone who was stealing from her.

    What a moron.
    Stop trying to vent your petty bullsh*t on me you little b*tch, you morons are the same idiots who think if someones driving a nice car and has a nice jacket on that they must be doing ‘okay’ hahaha tell that to MJ. All those years and those record STARTING album sales..and paying off a *few* laywers almost drained him dry.

  24. jajaja says:

    and this is come from a country who let semi porn movies play in a theatres

  25. jajaja says:

    1 more… im more convinced now that popseoul is also a cloud, hahaha…
    you really write a nice article this time!

  26. AntiBoA says:

    Oh and just for the record, for artist like Rain, DBSG and BoA they are known all over Asia, and considering the fact that Asia has the biggest human population in the world…..their top artist should be selling about the same as US artist who aren’t international icons, arist like Keri hilson and tiffany evans, who are famous, but not on the same status as Beyonce and Madonna & britney spears.

    Yet they aren’t. Because they suck.

    And ROFL @ wikipedia.

    you must be an idiot to think some site that even I can edit to say what I want anytime I want is actually worth anything, are you on crack b*tch? lol

    Go suck a fat c0ck and read a book whore.

  27. lala says:

    Poor Rain, that’s all i have to say.

  28. JESSE. says:

    this is relly stupid. hahah

  29. L O R E N says:

    ㅎㅎㅎㅎi dont think she understand blueJ lol…+_+
    Antiboa goes around talking about things she dont know…

    how sad :[

  30. rza says:


    “The song, “Rainism” has been downloaded by thousands of fans. Does the government really think it has the power over the youngins by simply declaring the song is too dirty?”

    In Korea, yes. The gov’t in Korea isn’t as liberal as the US gov’t. They don’t have any clauses that pertains to media… so we’re a bit slow here in North America.

    “Anyhow, the lyrics of the song will be changed from

    “‘My magic stick is spinning in your shivering body. You can’t go beyond my body shake. Make it Rainism The Rainism. Feel my body’


    “‘My body shake does not feel the boundaries. Our one and only Rainism.'”

    WOW. Unreal.

  31. AntiBoA says:

    Actually I do understand perfectly well what I was talking about, Loren, that’s exactly why I stated it was a rumour, I’m only repeating what the fired woman was saying, whether it’s true or not I don’t know or don’t care for that matter. =)

    BluJ and yourself as the morons who give credit to wikipedia and can’t seem to read properly. =) lol

  32. emmo says:

    the reason why US songs aren’t banned in Korea is because more than 50% of the Korean population can’t understand it, including government officials!

  33. AntiBoA says:

    Korea banning US songs is leaving them out in the cold with nothing to rip off basically. They have no choice but to play the music of the artist they copy or else those artist and song writers would be dragging more of those rip offs to court instead of brushing off the blunt breaking of many copyright laws.

  34. HAHAHA says:

    Korea is a very conservative country. Other countries should try to be more like Korea and get their children off sex, porn, drugs, n’ violence

  35. HAHAHA says:


  36. confused says:


    just when I thought the SBS ordeal was bad. the government steps in now??

    that’s pretty bad.

    as for the lyric change, I was hoping it would somehow improve the song, but swimmyjulie123 was right.

    I think the song went from confusing to beyond comprehension.

  37. stupid english speakers!!! says:

    if you don’t like then don’t listen ..
    Why are you being so jealous of Rain?…
    I guess it’s because you’re looooooser
    you can’t dance,sing,perform like rain and you’re hairy
    you have fat tummy,and your personality is suck
    If you have something good about yourself then you might think it is
    your stupid american citizen…am I right?

  38. hm says:

    I’m not a rain supporter..but this is pretty hypocritical. Look at the rest of the industry. I’d say the outfits of many of the popstars in concerts and MVs have a bigger influence on the mindsets and clothing choices of teenagers than nonsensical lyrics about “body shake”.

  39. AntiBoA says:


    Korean teens are whores and morons without music influence apparently considering their huge underage hooker issue, and that whole kids killing themselves every other day. lol But noooo they’re so innocent and happy. LOL

  40. soju says:

    the song sux ass anyway.

  41. anyoeh says:

    Here is The news lyrics

    심장을 파고드는 리듬 느껴봐

    Now feel my soul

    너와 나 하나되어 외치는

    나만의 레이니즘

    ( Feel the rhythm digging into my heart

    yes Now feel my soul

    Our one and only Rainism.)

  42. melody says:

    This is stupid. I see violent, drug and nudity scenes on TV in Korea all the time, but they don’t ban that. Please give me a break

  43. dwilliams says:

    “like Keri hilson and tiffany evans, who are famous, but not on the same status as Beyonce and Madonna & britney spears.”

    For the record Keri Hilson is a songwriter and has written quite a few songs for quite a few artists. So this notion she sucks may be appropriate in your world but not in mine, Also what is this BOA talk?

  44. AntiBoA says:

    When did I ever say Keri hilson sucks moron? lol

    I know she writes songs idiot but she is also a singer, atleast right now she is, she’s like the female version of Ne-Yo as far as what they’re talented in goes.

    In case you didn’t read properly I said those artist listed are considered famous and well loved all over Asia yet don’t even sell as well as non-international icons like Keri hilson you f*cking moron.

    Try re-reading that again or shutting the f*ck up, lol.

  45. Sandyy says:

    This has absolutely nothing to do with the post but ANTIBOA I see your comments everywhere! Lol probably 1/4 of the comments are yours haha Anyway I don’t really understand why the government has acted so slowly, the song has been out for ages now. If people like the song, they’ll like it regardless of a few lyrics being changed so it doesn’t really matter!

  46. dwilliams says:

    “Korea is a very conservative country. Other countries should try to be more like Korea and get their children off sex, porn, drugs, n’ violence”

    Yet Korea wants to be like America and get their children off of drugs? HOw about Korea focus on stopping such an alarming rate of suicides or domestic violence, start from there.

  47. shinta says:

    ^If this is the type of teens that the society is made up of today..then I won’t totally hate the korean govt. for reprimanding Rain’s Rainism..

  48. dwilliams says:

    “In case you didn’t read properly I said those artist listed are considered famous and well loved all over Asia yet don’t even sell as well as non-international icons like Keri hilson you f*cking moron.

    Try re-reading that again or shutting the f*ck up, lol.”

    No what you need to do is calm the f$%% down before you get cussed out clowning and acting like a fool because at the end of the day none of this matters MR EXPERT since you know so damn much PEACE

  49. AntiBoA says:

    Well if it doesn’t matter don’t reply, plain and simple biotch LOL.

  50. bubbles says:

    wtv..your kids are having sex and you know it…stop blaiming Rain for their hormones… sex is a beautiful thing…stuck being so stingy

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