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Choi Ji-woo returns as a goddess


Choi Ji-woo will be returning to the small screen. The comeback queen will star in the SBS new drama, “Oh my goddess” (오! 나의 여신님), which is expected to air in December 2008. The drama will tell the tale of life, love and work of a Hallyu star. Since Ms Choi is considered a Hallyu star, this role shouldn’t be too much of a stretch.

51 Comments on “Choi Ji-woo returns as a goddess”

  1. tasha says:

    hmmm that sounds like it would be interesting…she is so pretty!

  2. Penny says:

    Her skin is so delicate. I am so jealous

  3. oluchi says:

    what a classic pic. i’m imagining it in black/white and it would be so timeless.

  4. POP THIS! says:

    I don’t know how she’s able to leave the house with that ugly plastic nose on her face.

  5. POP THIS! says:

    With her extensive plastic surgery, how can you dare to call her “a timeless beauty”? This is insulting to true, natural, timeless beauties everywhere who have resorted to having their faces butchered.

  6. Penny says:

    How do you guys know she had extensive plastic surgery. I thought she is 100% natural. Thought her nose is a bit too pointing to me thought.

  7. Choi Ji Woo did not have plastic surgery.
    Eat it.

  8. kyungnam says:

    oh my goddess??
    thats a japanese manga/comic
    is the drama and manga going to be the smae?

  9. Taejus says:

    pretty skin….

    me wants that..

  10. donna says:

    i can’t wait!

  11. Constructive Critic says:

    Once she started wearing more makeup, she started to look different maybe that’s why people say that she has had tons of surgery done.

    When I reality all she did was get her nose tweaked.


    Though am I the only one that thinks that maybe just maybe, she and Mr. Bae should have hit it off?

  12. rubylovefaith says:

    I like her as an actress………

  13. nose says:

    Wow.. i assumed she got a plastic nose..

  14. cattleya says:

    obviosuly she has the plastic nose. you can actually trace is. anyway, i wish CJW the luck. AIR CITY was a big disappointment and hopefully this one would be a success. as post Stairway To Heaven both she and KSW had had flop series…KSW had two SAD SONATA and BAD LOVE…while CJW had AIR CITY…hopefully this one would not be her 2nd.
    i wonder why Olive 9, the producer of this series changed their mind…they had initially LOVERS IN AZUKA and CJW was set to star in it and will be airing come December. perhaps, LOVERS IN AZUKA cannot live up to the LOVERS theme, thus they made it into OH MY GODDESS!

  15. Jackie says:

    NICE FAKE NOSE! ewww Hope it doesn’t fall off.

  16. Ria says:

    She’s giving MJ a run for his money in the bad nosejob department, but I don’t see how that gives anyone the right to bash her or call her ugly. She’s 10x more beautiful than most of the people posting rude comments, I’m sure. I can’t wait to see this show, I hope someone uploads it with eng subs!

  17. Mel says:

    I really enjoy her acting and she really makes me cry! but her face is so plastic, I don’t know…. every time I see her I cringe!! O.O

  18. HAHAHA says:

    in another site she looked really aged but here she looks good as before, must be all the airbrushing. she still looks great for her age tho

  19. jenfraud says:

    what’s up with her nose,looks weird to me,bad nose job haha..i like her acting but i don’t think the role of a goddess fits her,she’s not a natural beauty,someone like lee young ae or jeon ji hyeon deserves the role

  20. MJ says:

    she bothers me for some reason…i think jun ji hyun would have been an awesome pick! JJH all the way!

  21. noire says:

    Perhaps I am the only one who thinks she has the always-look-to-be-innocent/naive expression on her face.

  22. ss says:

    i bet $5 she’ll look the same @ 80. scareeee timessss…

  23. Dovey says:

    Hope it’s good.

  24. fruity says:

    WOW i am so excited for this..!!
    Choi ji woo is one my favarite Hallyu actress…
    i’m sure that will surely be a hit…


  25. nikeg says:

    i didnt think she was plastic until i saw this pic… that is one BAD pic of a nose… BADDDDD

  26. palki says:

    Yes, when I saw this picture…my immediate thought was ..her nose looks so fake!
    The Korean actors seems to do a better job with their plastic surgery. They don’t end up looking like each other. But the actresses somehow seem to get the same nose. Then they start looking like each other.
    One thing I must say is Koreans have the best skin among Asians.

  27. gloria says:

    OMG! cant wait to watch this =]] i love those behind the scene stuff altho it seems really cliche XP

  28. yerro says:

    total flip from bashing a male star instead but oh well~ i just hope she actually has some kind of character this time around.

  29. Hmn says:

    used to like her in winter sonata. but no longer now. anyway, she still seem to be trapped in winter sonata acting.

  30. ... says:

    Is this drama based on the manga with the same name?

  31. POP THIS! says:

    Of course her nose is fake. Can’t believe you people have to question what you see right in front of you. It shows the worst onscreen. It’s like a chopped off nose with two holes sitting in the middle of her face. The bridge is all screwed up and the tip is pinched. Really bad work, too. And you can bet she’s had other stuff done as well. Can’t believe what idiots call this a natural beauty.

  32. soju says:

    i’ve heard that she sleeps around with producers and directors, as well.

  33. :O says:

    shes so pretty! im looking forward to this! 🙂

  34. POP THIS! says:

    Who else would sleep with her besides producers and directors?

  35. palki says:

    She does have beautiful wide spaced eyes. I find close set eyes so unattractive.

  36. kis says:

    not my type

  37. bre` says:

    i thought she looked kinda ugly. why is she a hallyu star?

  38. boolie2woolie says:

    she’s attractive in that pic.. who cares with the plastic nose anyway?

  39. Aki says:

    it’s called botox.

  40. Nordelm says:

    Choi Ji Woo is 100% natural beauty. She looks the same as her childhood & high school pictures. She was born with naturally straight beautiful nose & flawless skin. Lots of women are green with envy because Choi Ji Woo is beautiful, elegant, sophisticated & talented. She’s not only beautiful outside, she’s also beautiful inside (very kind-hearted, religious & charitable. She grew up with very loving but strict parentw. If you envious people has nothing better to say, don’t say anything because all of us are created by God.

  41. Nordelm says:

    Choi Ji Woo is 100% natural beauty. She looks the same as her childhood & high school pictures. She was born with naturally straight beautiful nose & flawless skin. Lots of women are green with envy because Choi Ji Woo is beautiful, elegant, sophisticated & talented. She’s not only beautiful outside, she’s also beautiful inside (very kind-hearted, religious & charitable. She grew up with very loving but strict parents. If you envious people has nothing better to say, don’t say anything because all of us are created by God.

  42. rosemarie says:

    she beautyful i like her she agood actress.

  43. rosemarie says:

    i like her whatever.shes the only one .

  44. I agree with Nordelm, Choi Ji Woo is beautiful (100% natural), elegant, sophisticated & talented. If these envious people think she had plastic surgery, maybe, they should have one, too, so they will be beautiful like her.
    Ofcourse, Ji Woo didn’t need plastic surgery, she’s already beautiful. By the way, she’s a Hallyu star because she’s a great actress. She & Bae Yong Joon initiated the Hallyu Wave. So, everyone should thank them.

  45. Hana says:

    Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. And natural (just wanted to let all the jealous haters out there that that’s EXACTLY what she is). You would think that if you think the nose is ugly…why the hell SHE would get it done like that.

    Just putting a thought out there…maybe she DIDN’T?

    Of course people like you never change. You guys probably don’t even know that you’re being jealous.

    • JX says:

      Nope. As guys we can’t be jealous.

      But if you insist that she has nothing fake on her face, please go for regular eye checks. For your bloody good sake.

  46. Grace says:

    It’s known that people tend to find people that look similar to them (noses, face structures, eyes, etc.) attractive. Maybe you just don’t look like Choi Ji-Woo (sucks for you, doesn’t it?), and that’s why you prefer Michael Jackson over her. (must suck even more to look like a pedophile, hmm?)

  47. jen says:

    Her nose is clearly plastic . She did her nose and many other stuff too.

  48. candy says:

    She did her nose and her eyelids for sure.

  49. NotchaChingu says:

    Don’t be crazy. I was never a fan, but I saw a recent picture, and it looks like whatever she did to her nose long ago is disintegrating… LOL I mean it looks like she needs revision rhinoplasty.

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